『Ch. 17 』

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Second Person Pov

You woke up with a soft yawn.

"Toby?" The space in the bed beside you was empty. You rubbed the rest of the sleep out of your eyes, and you fully sat up. The bedroom door was cracked, and you could hear someone outside. You assumed it was Toby, so you quickly got out of bed and headed towards the sound. When you got to the kitchen, you saw Toby pouring two glasses tea.

You smiled and cleared your throat. Toby jumped and turned around to you. He quickly furrowed his brows and put his free hand on his hip.

"You weren't s-supposed to be up this early." You giggled and stepped further into the kitchen. You saw the table was perfectly made and two empty plates sat atop it. You smiled more and wrapped your arms around Toby.

"What's with the whole setup?" He wrapped his own arms around you and kissed the top of your head before leaning onto you.

"It's s-supposed to be a s-secret..." He quickly pushed you back, catching you off guard. "Go shower a-and get ready for the day. I n-need time to finish." He puffed his cheeks, and you couldn't help but laugh.

You obliged and made your way to the bathroom. It didn't take you very long before you had gotten in and out of the shower and brushed your teeth. You took your time drying your hair and styling it as best as you could. And finally, you got dressed in a new outfit and headed back to Toby.

The kitchen was now even fancier. He had candles lit, and the radio going, it was playing a slow, calming song. He sat at one of the chairs humming. The empty plates were now full of food, and you couldn't help but blush.

"Toby?" You moved over to the table and he looked up at you with a smile.

"You l-look lovely," He gestured to the seat in front of you. "Sit down..." You did as he said and sat down. You rested your chin on your hand as he looked at you. "I wanted t-to do something nice for you,,, since y-you've done so much f-for me."

"I appreciate it so much. Everything looks amazing." You smiled at him then shifted your gaze to the food.

The food was an assortment of things you liked; foods were both sweet and savory. You were mildly worried about Toby's cooking abilities from last time, but you gave it a chance. The food was actually amazing, full of flavour, and you couldn't help but eat all of it. Of course, you both chatted and spoke about really anything as you ate; and you couldn't help but see his grin widen when he saw that you enjoyed the food. You truly were enjoying the food and everything,,, he truly was a sweetheart. You eventually finished your food, and you both ended up just standing in the kitchen holding each other.

"Toby, I loved that so much. I love you so much." You rested your head on his chest and rubbed circles into his back. Every word you said was completely true, with no doubt in your mind.

"Well,,, that's n-not all there is." You looked up to him with a confused expression. He looked flustered and stepped back a little. He put out his hand, and you promptly took it.

He led you outside, letting you put shoes on before you left the house. You two walked down a path as you held hands. Neither of you talked, but there wasn't an uncomfortable silence. You actually enjoyed the silence. You listened to the birds and other animals around you. It was peaceful. Eventually, Toby took a right on the path and walked past a few trees.

Then, you saw a view that took all the words out of you. He had taken you to a cliff face; the view below showed multiple rivers and trees everywhere. The valley bellow had a few old roads on it; but for the most part, was completely abandoned. But, the part you admired the most, the part that meant much more to you, was much smaller. A small yellow, plaid, picnic blanket was laid out on the ground. Along with it, two matching pillows and a small basket sat on top of it.

You glanced over at Toby, and he looked back at you with a sheepish smile. His smile must have been contagious because you quickly smiled back and hugged him. You both sat down, and he clasped his hand together.

"This is beautiful, Toby." He smiled and let out a small sigh.

"I w-was hoping you'd l-like it..." You took his hand, and he glanced up at you.

"I love it." He held your hand for a second before grabbing the basket and taking out a few deserts. You tilted your head and looked at them and Toby let out a small laugh at your reaction.

"They're 'Macarons'. It's, uh, a t-treat  that Jane—you don't kn-now Jane yet—taught me to m-make." He smiled and handed me a light blue macaron. I took it and looked at it for a second before taking a bite.

I immediately got hit with a blast of flavour and sugar,,, lots of sugar. It wasn't bad by any means, just really sweet. I quickly finished it and wiped my hands on a napkin he had laid out.

"Do y-you like it...?" I smiled and nodded.

"Tastes lovely, just really sweet. Didn't expect it." I giggled, and he looked overjoyed.

"Yes! This w-was like, my third b-batch!" He grabbed one for himself and quickly began eating it. It was adorable.

This day was going amazingly. You were truly enjoying it. The breeze was nice, the view was beautiful, and don't forget to mention the food. The best part was, you got to spend it all with the love of your life. You both sat in silence for a while as you stared off in the distance. It made you feel so happy.

"Hey, (y/n)?" You glanced over at Toby, he looked odd. He looked upset or confused, maybe...?

"Hm?" You smiled at him, and he began fidgeting with his hands.

"I h-have a question..." His tone was quiet and you couldn't figure out if he was upset or embarrassed.

"And I have an answer." You joked, and he seemed to smile a bit. He took a deep breath and looked up at you.

"Last night..." He paused and looked more nervous. "If I hadn't s-stopped, would you have l-let me?" You looked at him with a confused look, not sure what he meant.

"What?" You turned to fully face him and he finally looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"When w-we were in b-bed,,, and we were k-kissing..." You looked at him, but thought about what he was saying. Last night...?

Then it hit you. When you things were getting heated, he pulled away only because he thought you didn't love him. He would've kept going if not. And he was asking you if you would've kept going. Well, you thought that was kinda obvious, but you knew you should respond.

"Well... I don't know. I mean, I don't think I would have said no to the offer,,, especially then." You could feel a heavy blush cover your face and you looked over the cliff.

There was a long pause as the tension in the air set in. Neither of you really knew what to say, but you both knew how this conversation would change the relationship at least a little bit; in one way or another...

"If..." Toby finally spoke up. "If I a-asked you again, w-would you say y-yes?" You glanced over at Toby and he was blushing harder than you had ever seen before; and, to be completely honest, you probably had a face to match...

"Well,,, if you asked again," You paused and looked down at the grass. " I guess I would say yes; I would say yes the minute it left your mouth. If you asked again." There was a long silence that settled in before Toby cleared his throat.

"Alright. Thank y-you..." He spoke with a quiet tone, and you could tell he was embarrassed; you were too, but you obviously weren't going to admit it. As per usual.

"You're welcome." You glanced over at him before smiling. He was slowly taking another macaron, probably to avoid talking anymore. "I love you." He shifted his gaze up to you and smiled.

"I love you too."

𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭&𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞『 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 』Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu