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descriptions and mentions of abuse, neglect, and death.

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Michaels POV

I watched as my father threw a vase and smashed it, the pieces of glass fall to the floor with a loud crash! His face was filled with anger, which filled me with fear. This started because I had gotten into another fight. He hasn't been happy with me.

"Why did you do that!? Not only are people gonna start rumors about us, they're gonna question me! We don't need more rumors circulating, especially since Freddy's is getting more lawsuits!" He yelled in my face, causing me to sink a bit. He grabbed me by my shirt, and threw me towards the wall, causing me to groan in pain.

"No more fights. You're also grounded." He strictly said, before walking into the kitchen. He's probably getting a beer. Ever since my mother and Evan died, my father has been in his office everyday. Instead of staying to watch him get angry, I left and went to my room.

I passed Elizabeth's door, and heard some crying. I didn't wanna bother her since she'd been ignoring me ever since Evans death. I trudged to my room and closed the door. My eyes we're watery, but I didn't let myself cry. I stood there with my back against the door for a moment, before finding myself packing a bag. I grabbed my things and left through the window. My first thought was:



I laid in my bed, reading a comic to get my mind off of things. I missed Evan, and I was trying to stop thinking about that day. His lifeless body in that stupid suit, the suit that ruined everything. I didn't believe it was Michaels fault, but my parents and basically everyone in town did. I heard he also got into more fights today. I couldn't help him though. I may have been ignoring him recently...

I ignored him since my parents didn't let me see him anymore. We were still in a relationship, we just didn't talk. Everytime he'd try to talk to me, I ran to one of my friends. I feel really upset about it, but I knew if my parents found out he saw me, they'd kill me.

A light tapping at the window gets my attention, and I go over to the window. I look to see Michael, holding a pile of rocks, standing in the driveway. I open the window quickly, "Michael? What the hell?! It's pouring out there, what are you doing here?" I yell down to him. What the hell does he think he's doing here!?

Instead of answering my questions, he just responds with: "Can I come inside? Please?" I sigh. I felt bad for ignoring him, maybe I can make things right? "Fine, Come on up!" I yell. I watch as he quickly scurries to put the rocks down on the grass, and climb up to the roof.

He was drenched in rain water, and his eyebags were clearly present. In short, he was an absolute mess. "Thank you for letting me in." He said quietly, though it was enough for me to hear. "Yeah, of course." I responded.

It was now a bit quiet.


"I'm sorry for ignoring you." I apologize, finally. "It's okay. I don't know why I had some hope you'd or anyone really, would ever forget that day." He responds. I look over to him, and he looked towards the floor with a guilty look on his face. Instead of responding, I tackled him in a hug, my head resting on his chest.

This caught him off guard as he let out a bit of a gasp. I smile softly at his shock. His arms wrapped around me tightly, as he sniffed a bit, letting me know he'd probably cry. "It's okay Michael. I'm here for you now." I comfort him, as his grip on my shirt gets tighter. That made him snap, and he sobbed.

Though this may have seemed upsetting, I smiled. He finally let himself cry. I hugged him tighter in a comforting way, letting him cry into my shoulder. After a bit, he stopped crying, and only hiccups were heard in the room.

I got out of his grasp and asked the question that had been scattered around in my brain. "Why did you come here?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I needed to get away from my father for a bit... I didn't know who else to come to." He responds truthfully. This catches me in a bit of shock. Was home really that bad? Well, if it is, I'll let him stay here.

"I'll let you stay here. You don't deserve that kind of life." I respond firmly, letting him know that it wasn't up for debate. He looks at me with his mouth slightly open, in shock. I chuckle at his reaction.

"Now go shower, you smell disgusting." I say, lightly punching his shoulder. He just chuckles and digs in his bag for a bit, before walking into the bathroom. I quickly changed the sheets since he got a bit of dirt on them, before wrapping up in the blankets.

I hear the bathroom door open and he gets in bed next to me, spooning me. I smile slightly, half asleep. Before I drift off to sleep he quietly whispers in my ear: I love you.

PURPLE -- MICHAEL AFTONWhere stories live. Discover now