✿ ─ a witches hut

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Traveler Michael x Witch Reader

(^_^♪)Traveler Michael x Witch Reader

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I cleaned up my hut, the broom scrapped against the floor. My cat, Ambrose, meowed while staring out the window. I assume she's worried about the weather, since it was currently storming outside.

I was wrong.

A loud knocking was present at my door, causing me to pause and tilt my head in confusion. Who'd be out in a storm like this? I walked up to the door and opened it, revealing a man.

"Hello?" I said, my confusion noticeable. "Oh- sorry, I need somewhere to stay. I was traveling and it started to storm!" He explains, scratching the back of his head.

Well, he doesn't look like he has something harmful on him. It's also pouring, so it'd be bad to leave him out here.

"Oh, sure!" I invited him in, shielding him from the rain.

He walked in, looking around a bit. "Sorry, it's messy and there isn't much room... I believe I have a sleeping bag for you though!" I said, walking up to a small closet and digging through it.

"It's nice in here." He said kindly. I smiled happily, and handed him the sleeping bag I was looking for. "Make yourself at home! Are you hungry?" I asked, already walking towards the kitchen.

"Uhm- what do you have?" He asked, standing awkwardly by the door, seeming to be lost. I motioned for him to come over, as I looked through the wooden cupboards.

"How about some soup? We don't want you getting sick from traveling in that storm." I said, pulling a small soup can out. I noticed him nodding through the corner of my eye, so I quickly got started.

"Make yourself comfortable, it'll be done shortly." I smiled, preparing the food. He smiled back, "thank you." He said politely.

PURPLE -- MICHAEL AFTONWhere stories live. Discover now