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soobin sat in class, tapping his pencil against his head as he stared off into space. the night before, he'd gone out with yeonjun. dinner was great, at some point it just started to feel like they were hanging out as homies who'd never had sex. but once they got to his place..

they fucked, of course. during it all, soobin didn't question it because he was quite literally brainless, but once he had the time to think about it, the things yeonjun said during the sex were really weird.

"you're mine,"

"who fucks you better, hm?"

"me or that boy?"

"don't touch him again,"

"nobody can fuck you like me,"


maybe, yeonjun only said all of that in the moment without thinking. but still... it felt weird. why would he say something that he didn't mean during such a vulnerable act?

soobin started to feel worried, their relationship was supposed to be strictly sex. soobin knew that he wasn't ready for anything serious, but he would never want to hurt yeonjun. yeonjun had treated him so well all while having a "fwb" label, which i'm sure not many people are willing to settle for.

he felt a tap on his shoulder and snapped out of his thoughts. "hyung..?" beomgyu said. soobin looked up at him and blinked.

beomgyu had just gotten up to sharpen his pencil while everyone focused on their group work, and noticed that soobin seemed upset.

"yeah? something wrong?" soobin asked, not bothering to fight the name. beomgyu shook his head. "are you alright?" he responded, quiet and seemingly embarrassed.

soobin sighed and sat up straight. "i'm fine, just spacing out. do you have a partner yet?" he asked, beomgyu shook his head. "i was gonna ask you," he smiled and his cheeks flushed pink.

soobin smiled as well and gave him a thumbs up. "move your desk," he said, beomgyu nodded.

soobin walked out of his last class with kai by his side. he'd just finished telling him about all his problems.

"what'd i tell you? he's jealous, he wants something serious with you," soobin groaned and put his head in his hands. "but, kai!! what am i gonna do? you know how bad i suck at committing and all that stupid stuff.."

kai scoffed. "i can't believe i'm best friends with someone like you, you're just like taehyun, remember how heart broken i was??"

soobin frowned. "i do, but you went into it with him thinking you could have something. i told yeonjun at the very beginning, when we first had sex, that i could not be a boyfriend to him, isn't that different?"

kai shrugged and sighed. "i guess, maybe you should talk about it with him,"

"what? how would i even bring something like that up?" soobin seemed taken aback. "i mean, you're gonna have to remind him at some point. if you don't, he might really ask you to be his boyfriend, then what're you gonna do?"

soobin groaned and covered his face, clearly distressed.

"hyung!" beomgyu shouted from behind them, and they both turned around to look. kai shot his head back at soobin. "hyung?" he questioned. soobin shrugged and rolled his eyes. "oh! ask him if he told yeonjun, or taehyun, or whatever," kai said. "i'll leave you two, okay?"

soobin frowned and nodded, waving goodbye to kai as beomgyu walked up to him. he looked down at him. "would you stop calling me hyung? it's weird."

beomgyu shook his head. "actually, i skipped third grade. so technically i'm a year younger than you, but somehow still smarter than you. anyway, you are my hyung! i'm just showing you respect."

soobin blinked at him. "actually," he animatedly lifted his finger, mocking beomgyu, who rolled his eyes and slapped his arm as they kept walking.

"you're not smarter than me." soobin stated, and beomgyu shook his head. "i totally am. i'm in all advanced and honors classes, you're in regular and even have classes with freshmen."

soobin stared down at him as they walked, beomgyu flushing pink again at the eye contact. "how do you even know that?? that's so fucking creepy..." he shook his head and beomgyu smiled.

"ah, right." soobin remembered. "did you tell yeonjun about what we did in my car?" he asked. beomgyu's entire faced burned red and he felt his stomach turn. he stuttered and did his best to smile.

"u-um.. no, i-i don't talk to yeonjun," he muttered, laughing awkwardly. soobin raised an eyebrow. "what's wrong with you? are you lying or something?" he asked, suspicious.

"no! i swear, t-that's just embarrassing..." he said quietly, scratching the back of his neck. "how's it embarrassing? you're the one who did it," soobin said, confused. "did you not enjoy it?"

"what? o-of course i enjoyed it! i-" he cut himself off and put his face in his hands, ears heating up. soobin laughed. "wow beomgyu, didn't know you were so enthusiastic about it.."

"maybe we should do it again sometime." soobin blurted, not sure if he really meant it or not. he liked messing with beomgyu, seeing him all pink, shy, and embarrassed was the cutest and funniest thing ever.

beomgyu stared at him and blinked, not knowing what to say and just clearing his throat. "u-um..." soobin tilted his head. "you don't want to?"

"n-no, i-i want to," he mumbled. soobin smiled and shook his head, ruffling the hair atop beomgyu's head. "anyways, did you tell taehyun?" he quickly switched the topic as beomgyu tried to collect himself.

"yeah, was i not allowed to? i-i'm sorr-"

soobin stopped him. "nono, don't worry. it's alright. do you think he might've told yeonjun?" he asked. beomgyu blinked and thought for a moment.

"i'm just trying to figure out how he found out, because if it wasn't from either of you two then that means somebody else knows."

beomgyu shook his head. "i dunno. but i can ask him, though." soobin nodded.

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