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soobin walked into the cafeteria and scratched his head, looking around for his friends. kai, being a nerd, had to take a test during their lunch period, so soobin had nobody to walk with. he scanned the room for somebody he knew and only found beomgyu. he face palmed.

he bit his bottom lip and searched for anyone else, but stopped himself. "why am i avoiding him?" he thought. "this is stupid, i've got no reason to be embarrassed,"

he quickly ran up behind beomgyu and pushed him lightly, "boo!" he shouted. beomgyu flinched and turned around quickly, locking eyes with soobin and visibly swallowing as he looked him up and down. "oh, h-hi," he said, lowering his guard. soobin squinted.

"are you okay?" he asked. beomgyu's face flushed red and he nodded, leading soobin to an empty table.

soobin sat down next to him and sighed. he looked over to beomgyu, who shifted, almost uncomfortably, and cleared his throat.

he rested his chin in his hand as he stared at the boy, thoughts running around his mind. how come he's still being weird? is he that embarrassed by it? if anything, i should be embarrassed, not him. normally he'd be all over me by now.. why isn't he doing anything? it feels awkward...

beomgyu hesitated to look back at him and blinked. his eyes shifted back and forth from soobin to his phone and his face turned red again.


"yeah?" beomgyu replied, before soobin could even finish, voice shaking the slightest bit. soobin scoffed. "what's wrong with you?" he asked.

beomgyu scratched the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly. "nothing, um," he looked down. "i-i gotta use the bathroom," he said, quickly getting up and rushing away.

soobin blinked as he watched him walk. what the hell is his problem? is this really how it's gonna be? he thought.

he got up to follow him but before he could, he felt a hand around his wrist. he looked back in surprise, flinching a little.

"oh- sorry, i didn't mean to scare you," taehyun said as he let go. soobin shook his head. "it's fine," he said, sitting back down for taehyun to follow.

"did you two fight...?" taehyun asked, hesitantly. soobin looked over and nodded, tilting his hand in a so-so gesture. "something like that, why do you ask?"

taehyun hummed and scratched his head. "well he just walked off like that, and last night i asked him about you but he kind of avoided it, i dunno."

soobin sighed. "promise not to be grossed out?" he asked, worried because the two don't really talk that much.

taehyun blinked and backed up a bit. "um.."

"i-it's about me and yeonjun, i haven't done anything with beomgyu since-" taehyun stopped him. "alright, i don't wanna know that, but go on," he said.

soobin smiled. "he walked in on me and yeonjun when we were-" he stopped him again.

"ah, i get it," he said. "so he's being jealous?" he asked. soobin shook his head. "i don't think so. he knew that me and jun did that stuff," taehyun grimaced.

"i think he's just embarrassed. he won't even look me in the eye." he said with a loud sigh. taehyun nodded. "sounds like beomgyu," he said.

"he'll be fine, most likely. just give him a little while cuz he's probably replaying the moment over and over again in his head and overthinking it," taehyun said, trying to reassure him.

soobin squinted and tilted his head. "it's weird though. i dunno if you know how he is with like, sexual s-"

"i don't need to know, thanks." taehyun said, putting a hand up. soobin laughed. "he's just always super enthusiastic with me and it feels weird now, i can't even talk to him.."

taehyun shrugged. "soobin," he said, soobin nodded.

"do you like him?" he asked. soobin scoffed. "like him?" he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "i barely even know him. why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"you sound like you like him, or at least are starting to." he said. soobin stared at him for a second and thought.

like him? i mean, i do like him, but not like that. he's fun. i like being around him, that doesn't mean i like him though, right? plus, i'm not ready for a relationship. i haven't liked anyone since middle school. surely, it won't be beomgyu to change me.

he shook his head. "no, i don't." taehyun shrugged. "we're barely even friends," he lied.

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