#31 Mine

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"yah Y/N! How come i didn't see You and Sunwoo posts some pics on funstagram anymore?" y/f/n asked.

"Oh, uhm, he's busy right now so we don't have time to hang out." You replied. She just nodded and bid her goodbye to you. You are now left alone in the library.

You already finished working on your assignment so You decided to check your funsta first.

As you scroll through your feed, your heart sinks as you come across Sunwoo's post. The picture depicts him, wearing a genuine smile, standing next to a girl you've never met before. The caption, "mine💖," sends a wave of sadness and disappointment crashing over you.

The reality hits hard. You had developed feelings for Sunwoo, but deep down, you always doubted whether he felt the same way. Seeing him with another girl, seemingly happy and connected, shatters any hope you had harbored.

A heavy weight settles in your chest as you realize that your assumptions and desires were one-sided. You had convinced yourself that there was a special connection between you and Sunwoo, only to discover that it was nothing more than wishful thinking.

Feelings of rejection and self-doubt consume you. You question your worth and wonder why you allowed yourself to believe in something that was never reciprocated. It feels like a cruel twist of fate, leaving you with a broken heart and a sense of loneliness.

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