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     I wake up to my alarm blaring it's usual cheery song to begin the day. It sucked, that stupid chirping noise killed me and if I didn't have to waitress later I would've stayed in bed. Yet of course I do and so I got up anyway. Good morning Lebanon, Kansas you sh*t-hole of a town let's start the day.
     Soo I get up to take a shower, then get dressed in some jeans and my MCR tee and head downstairs to eat breakfast. While popping in waffles I get a text from my best friend Francis~

*Hey, you awake?* and an instant smile creeps onto my face.

*Noo stop becoming a good influence on my sleep schedule, my mother likes it too much!* I text back.

*Easy fix, get some piercings maybe a tattoo. Go right back to normal.*

*Definitely on my to-do list... Soo meet you at the pool?*

*Where else do we ever go?*

"Bye mom! I'll be back by my shift-time!" I call out grabbing my waffles and running out the door.

     It hasn't really come to mind until now but I do spend alot of my time at the empty in-ground pool that I watch him skate in. I've not exactly mastered the art of skating, but if it was a competition of who could fall on their butts the most.. that'd be a different case.


     By the time Xena arrived with a platter of pink lemonade we were in full blast. I was sitting in my old, run down pool chair watching him grind around the pool. Simple Plan was blaring in the background and let me tell you something, I was thirsty.

"Hey guys, I brought pink lemonade! Where's Juan?" She asks going from cheerful to concerned in three seconds flat, that's Xena for you alright.

"Finally drink-person, Your slacking and i'm dehydrated." I say exasperated while taking a bottle of pink lemonade from Xena.

"I have no idea where Juan is, but I do know that he is late... as always."

     Francis walks up holding his skateboard to his side, his curly blonde hair wet with sweat and yet still amazingly sexy. He says something but I completely missed it.

"What?" I ask obliviously

"He just texted me, something about a poodle???" He repeated with an easy smile and small laugh.

"Well we can't start without a drummer." She replies glumly.

Suddenly a heavily accented and girlishly feminine voice calls out,
"I'm Here! I'm Here! Soooo sorry I was late.... again. Seee what happened wa-"

     Juan always comes up with outrageous excuses, but before I got the chance to hear yet another Xena cuts him off.

"Yea, yea save it for later. We have a gig tonight and we need to practice." She reminds us all.

     I place my lemonade glass on the floor beside my chair and clap my hands like I imagine a director would.

"We have to practice as much as possible. This isn't the easiest song with all of its solos and such and you guys cutting time from our sessions is not helping. Come on everyone to your instruments, the gig starts at five."I finish ordering before getting into my position.

     The group works around me and soon everyone is set up. Juan at drums, Xena has bass, and Francis is ready with his guitar. While I stand at microphone, waiting for them to get positioned.

"Ready guys?"


    Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter was a bit short. But I'm really passionate about the idea of this story and promise more is coming! Thanks for reading, I hope you like it so far!!!

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