4 | Winchesters

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My word was in vain. They haven't left and my boss keeps insisting that I see to their needs. Right about now I'm wishing that we had another waitress to do it for me, but we don't and so I'll have to. His eyes are still on me, they've been following me the whole time from what I can tell. It would be creepy if I didn't know. Walking up to the table I take out my notepad and excel in not making eye contact.

"Hello, I'm Zelda and I'll be your waitress today, Can I get you two anything?"I asked the same question I always do, it's guideline mandatory.

The taller one replied, "Uhh yea, can I have a salad and a glass of lemonade?"

"No problem, and you?" I ask facing the him while writing down the taller guy's order as to make no eye contact. He doesn't speak so I look to him for an answer but he seemed to be too busy staring at me.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked charmingly.

Of course I remember you, it would be kind of hard to forget despite my efforts. I still don't want to give you the enjoyment of knowing so.

"Sorry but no... Should I?" I ask as innocently as possible.

He put on this sad look that bore right through me, but immediately switched back to emotionless.

"Dean Winchester, I was up at the Delinquent boys' home for awhile?"

"Alot of boys come and go from there, are you going to order?"

"Are you sure you don't remember?"

"I'm sure, now order." I say sternly.

He just looks at me for a second before (finally) giving in.

"Just get me some pie, Apple if you have it."

In fact we did, and I knew that's what he would order. Nodding my head I walk away and send their orders to our chef before taking a seat with Xena and the boys.

"So you know them too?" Francis asks as I take my usual seat.

"I'm a waitress, I'm forced to converse with everyone." I reply with faux glum, "But I would like to know how Xena does."

"Remember? The guy that gave me the shirt?" She began excitedly.

No. Really? Xena came to my house one night with a very imaginative story about a boy who gave her the shirt. I didn't really believe her at the time but she went on and on about the guy forever after. The shocked look on my face must have given something away because she smiled smugly.

"Yup, that is the one and only Sam Winchester."

"Wait. Winchester? The other is Dean Winchester, They must be related somehow..." I say mostly to myself.

"So you do know them?" Francis asks slowly, ending it with a purposeful smirk. It almost seemed like a tinge of jealousy and the idea made me smile.

"Great!!! Introduce us, cause them are fine." Jaun places in with a seductive mew that makes me burst out laughing.

"I'd really rather not guys." I say sheepishly, which was a huge mistake.

Xena looks at me with a mischievous grin before turning around to face the boys, a few tables away.

"Sammy! Pull a chair and sit with us, bring your friend too!" She called over.

They didn't have to be asked twice, the boys gathered themselves and squeezed onto our table. All the while I shot Xena another signature death stare.

"We're having a little part-ay tonight, to celebrate our first gig and how awesomely we did. Me, Zelda and the boys would like to know if you wanna come with?"

This was the first I ever heard of a party and knowing Xena, plans are already rolling through her mind. To my surprise the boys didn't decline, but knowing Dean he probably wouldn't make it. He had a tendency of making empty promises and after that night I learned to keep my hopes low. That's why I pity Xena in a way. She always keeps her feelings wide open and her head in the clouds. With all of the dreams she musters up, it's inevitable that her heart will break. I just hope I can keep her smiles as oblivious and innocent as they are now.

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