19 | Plans

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I wake up with a huge headache, but when I go to hold my head I can't move. My arms and legs are tied to a flat surface. Of course, cause they always have to tie you the f*ck down
I look around, or at least as much as I can, and nothing is recognizable, it was just a normal room.

"What the hell!" I scream angrily trying to get out of their restraints.

It doesn't seem like anyone else is here, so they probably left me to die, but that is one of my only goals at the moment so I don't really care. It was probably that arch angel, she just got here and she's already screwing everything up.

After attempting escape I give up and go limp, waiting for them to come release me. A few minutes later I hear someone opening the door.

"Who's there!?" I ask frantically, afraid that it might be Xena or Dean... Of course I don't regret anything that I did there, but I'm not answering any questions.

Suddenly three people stand over me, two girls and a guy. "Are you Zelda Sparks?" the guy asks me.

"You have fun don't you?" I ask smirking.

"Are you Zelda Sparks??" he asks more sternly.

"Who's asking?" I reply.

"Well... I am." He says confused.

"Yes I'm Zelda Sparks. What do you want?" The worst thing they could do is kill me, and that's kinda what I want so..

They immediately start to undo my bindings and then pull me up.

"It is time to go, prophet." the boy says.

"Ya okay, but where?" he doesn't answer, but I willingly follow.

A few minutes later we were pulling up to some storage building, one of the girls open the door for me and they lead me inside where there is a group of people then sit me down in a chair.

"So what's this all about?" I ask, but am immediately bound into the chair. "Well this is just great."

"Are you Zelda, the Prophet?"

"How many times do I have to answer this question?"

"I would rather not have to deal with sarcasm."

"I would rather not be tied up."

"Really? I thought you'd be used to it by now..."

"Touche... so what do you want?"

"Everyone is searching for you. Zelda the Winchester's Prophet, with you the cycle will be complete. If you become one of us then we can keep you safe from the others."

"So basically I'm the piece of meat that everyone wants a bite out of?"

"Precisely." he replied smirking.

"So what exactly are you?" I ask boredly.

"We are SkinWalkers. When I bite you, you will turn."

"And is that definite?" I ask starting to get freaked out, and trying to not show it.

"Well not exactly, but it's very rare. If it doesn't work we can try again."

I look at him crossly. Maybe I shouldn't have left the bunker. Hmm... Stay here and get turned and used, or go back to angels, Xena, and Dean...

I slip my blade out of my back pocket and begin to cut my ropes. Angel girl, or whatever your name is. I know you kinda ruined my life already, but I could really use your help at the moment. Hopefully before I get attacked by these ugly B!tches and all. I'm not being pushy but that would be nice. I pray, or at least I hope that counts as praying... Should I have ended it with an Amen or something?

I cut myself free and jump up, reaching for my gun. Oh yea, thanks again Dean... All of the skinwalkers or whatever they call themselves start running towards me, but I have a pretty clear way out.

I run over to some crates, jumping ontop of them trying to leap out of the open barn window. Right before I make it some idiot pulls my ankle and bites into it, deep.

"Get off of me you prick!" I scream kicking him before jumping out of the window.

Thank god the trip down wasn't that far or I might not have made it as easily. My ankle becomes bloody fast, and I pull my sock up to cover it. Where's that stupid angel? I think angrily.

An army of skinwalkers come out and surrounded me. I'm not sure exactly what I should do at the moment, It's not like they plan on killing me only keeping me forever. I don't really like that idea very much. Where are Angels when you actually need them? I think to myself.

Saving Zelda SparksWhere stories live. Discover now