20 | SkinWalkers

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The blonde angel from hell pops up and screams, "FIND COVER!!" So obviously I do - I'm not going to think twice about anything anymore.

I dash behind some crates and watch as she kicks herself some @ss. I underrated angels, she's really amazing. The group of skinwalkers surrounded her, to the point where all I could see were momentary kicks - her booted foot hitting the face of one of the creatures and them falling to the ground same with her fists. She seemed to move incredibly fast and I couldn't take my eyes off of it, until my ankle started to burn.
I wince, kneeling to pull my sock down and inspect it. The wound wasn't bleeding, it seemed laced with a green-metallic looking substance. Like venom that wouldn't enter the wound but still stung like hell. Hearing Kole's footsteps approach me, I quickly pull my sock back up to cover it.

"Did they bite you?" she asked sounding panicked, what's her problem It's not like I would've died or anything, but the question was, lie or not. It wasn't sure of me to become a SkinWalker or whatever, and this angel already looked pretty stressed,

"Of course not, those dumb pricks couldn't get any kind of close to me. Did you get bit?" I asked figuring that running off again probably wasn't the best way to greet my new angel.

"Right your an angel... So what's your name then?" I ask.

"No, I didn't get bit and my name is Kole." She says getting up before turning to some random guy who I hadn't noticed before.

"Did you send them to Bobby's?" she asks him.

"Yes, all except Dean who called a tow truck to pick up his car."

She helps me up and places her fingers on my forehead, turning my vision white. Suddenly we appear on what I suspect is Bobby's front porch, as they were speaking of earlier, and I have a queasy feeling in my stomach. "Some warning next time?" I sneer. According to the raven-haired angel Xena was in there, and whatever was going to happen between us could not be pretty. Therefore I did not want to deal with it, skidding my shoe against the porch I veer around swiftly and begin to walk off of it. Only to be pulled back by Kole, her grip on my forearm portrayed the sternness of the action but there was something warm about it. So I listened. I don't know why, but I felt as though if Kole were here I could face Xena and anyone else. After all, she did care about my life. Even if I felt like it wasn't worth saving.

Saving Zelda SparksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora