15 | Christmas Eve

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Completely and totally unrelated to the story plot, but not to the holidays. Enjoy! ^-^


It was the Christmas season, but it didn't seem like it. Usually the spirit flowed through me, setting a mood only able to be described of as Christmas. But this year it was different. Christmas Eve morning I looked into the mirror watching as I pulled my natural red hair out of it's bun, as it waved down and framed my face perfectly. Even the red hue matched with my favorite green flannel couldn't fill me with the holiday spirit.

Sighing I turned from my reflection and left my room, wandering through the halls of the men of letters base. Observing once again the adorable Christmas decorations covering them, put up by Kole and Castiel who were experiencing their first Christmas's on earth. I couldn't help but be reminded of childhood holidays at which I acted the same. Even with their shrill child-like excitement, I just couldn't seem to get in the mood. And everyone seemed to notice.

I headed straight to the kitchen in search of some kind of breakfast food. Immediately the aroma of freshly baked cookies hit my senses, and I almost smiled until the sweet scent mixed with the bluntly disgusting smell of burnt cookies. I brought my hand up to my nose in attempt to guard it as I headed farther in. Now I could see Kole and Cas, gradually being covered in a smoke extruding from the oven. "But I listened to all of the small fat man's instructions!" Castiel said in bewilderment, and I had to stifle a laugh.

Kole opened the oven, and pulled out the burnt mess with Christmas-themed mits. The smell must've gotten around because Dean came up beside me seemingly ready to ask a question but deciding it would be better not to, as the answer was quite obvious. Suddenly I feel Xena come behind us, and watch as she steps on her tippy toes and reaches her arm up. The plant branch she held up was littered with small, white berries and she was very happy with herself. "It's mistletoe!" she exclaimed, a huge smile playing on her face. "Now, kiss!" Dean chuckled nervously as I gave her a look. "Do you.. wanna go get some pie?" he asked me. "Anything to get away from this drastic scent."


"So you aren't really feeling the Christmas spirit, huh?" Dean asked, breaking the silence as we walked into the nearest diner. "Yea.. It just doesn't feel like the holidays." and it was true. Now was nothing like it used to be, with Xena and Juan and Francis. My mother celebrated it, sure, but in her own way and the four of us had rathered to spend it together. I'd bring cookies from the diner, and we'd all just hang out. Cheesy dumb Christmas music playing in the background as we wackily sung along. We didn't really do the present thing, but it made me feel complete. This was nothing like that. "Well.. How could we fix that?" he asked, breaking me from thought. "I don't know, I guess it's a little too.. christmasy." I laughed, realizing how stupid that sounded as we took a table towards the back.

"Do you miss Lebanon?" he asked, almost instantly. "Not Lebanon indefinitely, just.. my family, you know?" I wouldn't mention Francis around him, as he had been jealous of us since he heard, and I couldn't bear to say Jaun's name but it wasn't a full lie. They were my family. Yet, somehow, I felt wrong for saying that to him. Dean, who's entire family was dead. He couldn't just go back to see them whenever he wanted. Sam was his only family, but he was still his family. Maybe that fact made me a little jealous. No matter how selfish it seemed.

"Believe me, I get that. But you know what always helps me? Bacon!" he says calling over a waitress and ordering for the both of us. I laugh as we eat, even though the bacon just reminded me of years at my own diner. Soon we were walking back into the base. Sam was reading old Christmas lore, Kole and Cas were adding last touches to the tree, and Xena seemed to be stuffing her face with cookies. I decided to join her. A few minutes later Dean turned on some music, but not the usual. Cheesy Christmas songs. Xena's eyes lit up, a chocolate chip cookie in hand, and pulled my wrist with the other to begin dancing. We sang along and laughed as we forced everyone to join us, I almost died watching Cas dance.

Soon my stomach began to hurt from cookies and jumping up and down like a lunatic, so I sat to the side and watched as everyone else continued. Dean noticed and sat beside me without words. "Thank you." is all I could say before grabbing his hand and joining back in.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday guys! I hope you all have a good one, embrace the holidays!! {Although I feel a bit more like Zelda tonight.} I hope you guys have a better night than we have had, and if not it always gets better. Just remember Winchy loves you! Bai, Bai Jellies!!

Saving Zelda SparksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora