6 | Worm

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My headache woke me up. I didn't drink much the night before but I could already feel a bit of a hangover coming on. Trudging to the bathroom I closed the door and threw some water on my face. Then dried it with a soft towel.
Looking up from the towel I see something black slither from the ceiling vent. I screamed, of course. And threw myself around only to see that it was gone.

Zelda's POV

I woke up to a scream, and jolted out of bed. Immediately the world went blurry and I had to hold the door knob to steady myself.
When the dizzyness wore off I slowly moved to the bathroom where I opened the door to see Xena completely flipped out.

"What's wrong?" I ask sleepily.

"There was a spider!" She yelled, making me jump. "It's gone now though." She then continued softly while holding her head like it hurt.

"I'll go get us some ibprofin and breakfast." I told her before trudging off to the kitchen, sick to my stomach.

Pouring two bowls of cereal I got us both four pills and set them on a napkin by our bowls. Then I say down and took it with some orange juice before slowly starting to eat while waiting for Xena.

Xena's POV

As I watched Zelda walk away I felt a newfound hatred towards her. Zelda and her peppy self, thinking she's better then everyone else. Thinking that she's better then me. I can't fucking stand the bitch and I know how to help rid myself of her.
Grabbing the biggest kitchen knife I could find I walked into the dining room and sat by my bowl of cereal. I can't believe she thinks she could win me over with this pitiful attempt of... Well whatever she was trying to do. I looked at her with straight malice in my eyes, watching as she grew uneasy. I twiddled the blade in my fingers, hidden under the table, and waited for my chance.

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