31 | Xena

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Zelda left Dean in fury, so Sam had to calm him down. I left the two to check up on my grandmother. Even if I was adopted it was still important to see her, right? Well as long as they felt so.


I wasn't going to come back, but I knew that I couldn't disappear for no reason so I had to make one. Dean and Sam were in the impala waiting for me, or using it as an excuse to watch Zelda, but who cares?

When I slid into the back seat Dean and Sam were discussing staying in the same motel room from before, and I agreed.

It wasn't unlike any other motel we've stayed at, but for some reason it felt nicer. I felt more at home here, maybe it was just the town in general.

There were only two beds, though me and Sam didn't mind to share one. It's not like we haven't before.

The night sky was dark, I was sitting on the bed we shared and Sam was in the shower, when a sudden knock on the door startled me.

It wasn't just a knock, it was a bang and it was repetitive. Dean scoffs and opens the door to reveal Francis who began to yell.

I could hardly understand what he was saying, but it was directed at Dean - who also began to yell in reply.

"Guys stop!" I yell shocked, "Where's Zelda!?"

They both stopped and turned to face me, but Francis was the one to reply. "What do you mean where is she? I thought Dean sent that guy to get her."

"What guy!?" Dean asked angrily, obviously afraid.

My heart stopped. With everything trying to get to her.. What possessed us to leave her alone!?

"He.. He just came and took her so I assumed..."

"You just let some stranger take her!"

"Well she was upset and he was seriously strong for his looks. He told me to say hi to Xena and Sam for him so I figured you guys sent him. Dean was pretty upset that she was there after all.."

"I wasn't-"

"What did he look like?" I ask, cutting Dean off.

Francis looked a bit lost and confused, but he replied, "He was blonde, and like I said looked really weak for how strong he was. I don't know.."

"Dean," I say, looking down, "Dean, do you think?" I ask slowly.

He said say hi to me and Sam, we both.. Did he follow me after I left him at the crossroads? Or did he take her before than? How would he, why would he..

"His skin was peeling off weird too, it was gross but from what I knew about these two they aren't the most normal." Francis continues, a bit awkwardly from the silence.

Though that's all I need, it's obvious who took her. But why?
I'd have to ask him myself, when I go back to hell.

I know I'll have to take the deal now.

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