17 | Kole

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Kole's POV

I'm called to a strange building and immediately look around to see who had called me. To my left is a girl with brunette hair and a shocked look on her face.

"You called?" I ask.

Before the girl could answer I hear the wings of another angel coming and look to the noise. To my surprise it is Castiel. I haven't see him in decades and he does not look as happy as I thought he would to see me.

He ignores me, walking over to the girl with an angry pace.
"What do you think your doing?" he yells then quickly glances at me then back at the girl.

"Who the hell are you!?" she yells in reply.

"My name is Castiel, and I've heard of you Xena. What happened to the little innocent girl that was?" He asks with sorrow.

"She died along time ago" the girl says with a growl before lighting the holy oil that I didn't realize surrounds me.

"I don't think this is necessary" I interrupt as I look at the circle of Holy Fire. "Surely I want to get Zelda out of hell as much as you, prophets don't belong in hell it gets to their heads." I speak looking directly at the Xena's hazel eyes, I noticed that they were filled with lust and desperation and feel a pang of pity for her.

"No you surely don't," She says sarcastically, "I know what she's doing down there, I know. And she probably wants to kill me but that's fine. JUST GET HER BACK." She commands before regrettably breaking the circle to free me.

"We'll get her back." I say, looking to Castiel for help. He nods, "Wait for her where she was buried." Then we leave immediately.

Time Skip

"I hope they're there to get her when she awakens." I say turning to face Castiel.

"I know that they'll be there to catch her, lets go find Crowley."

As we approach the door way to Zelda's Hell Room I pull out my sword, expecting a whole army but instead there were demons tearing each other apart.

Then I noticed something Crowley was gone. Is he dead? I think to myself. Suddenly there's a tug on my arm waking me from my thoughts. I turn to see Castiel sneaking his way to the door and follow.

We are five feet away from the door when a call breaks out, "The first one to kill an angel gets to be KING!!!"

Both mine and Castiel's head zip around to the demons. I began to pull out my sword when Castiel puts his hand on my shoulder, interrupting me.

I turn my head to see Castiel's big, blue, sympathetic eyes. It reminds me of the time he saved my life in the war between Heaven and Hell and gave me his bracelet, since then I have been trying to make it up to him.

I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of Hell's Door.

Leaving Zelda behind.

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