23 | Impala

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Zelda's POV

No wonder Dean loves his car so much, I could stay like this forever.

Laughing at dumb jokes Xena spurts, horribly singing old rock songs, stopping at diner's for the new amazing food each has to offer. Life on the road is a lot more peaceful than I expected.

That is until we stopped in Tennessee. The boys rented a motel room, one for each of us. Dean wasn't very happy about the extra cost. Than they got to work. No matter how much Xena tried to help, once they got to work it seemed like it was only the two of them. I guess that's why I began to realize the reason behind what Dean did years ago, maybe it was time to forgive him.

Besides the boys I couldn't help but wonder where Kole was, but the idea was quickly thrown away as Xena suggested we go 'explore'. In other words, she was bored and the boys wouldn't let her go out. "Maybe they're right." I say, watching disappointment laver her face. In that moment they walk into our room. "Excuse me! We could've been getting dressed." she says curtly, obviously butt hurt.

"I just figured we could catch something to eat." Dean replies chuckling. "Yea, we didn't really think much of barging in." as usual Sammy was the only apologetic one. "Well you should've, and yes. We are hungry."

Minutes later we pull up to a diner, the same one from my vision. "Deja-vu much." I say, though already knowing it would've happened. Still only a little weird. "Well get used to it sweet cheeks, because that's your new best friend." Xena's reaction was priceless, as if 'Deja-vu' would replace her.

We took our table and I looked around the room, pointing out little things I knew would happen. Xena couldn't get enough of it, "It's like you're a time traveler!" she exclaimed like a child playing with a new toy. "Oh look, two guys in suits walk out of the bathro-" I cut off, the two guys.. "We need to leave." I say, jumping up as the door opens. "Wha-" I pull Xena's arm, cutting her off. "Come on!" We rush out without our meals, but not soon enough. The guys noticed us and are shoving through the diner.

"What are you guys hunting again?" I ask, rushing to the car.


"Well.. Here's your hunt."

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