13 | Drive

36 8 0

Xena's POV

After getting dressed, me and Sam left town. I've been driving for at least thirty hours, and i'm so tired that Sammy offers to switch for awhile but I refuse.

Instead we stop at a hotel for the night only ordering one bed to save money. We agree that I'll sleep in the tub and he can have the bed. But we were so exhausted that we both just collapsed onto the bed.

When I awoke Sammy had his arm around me and I was all snuggled into chest. I could feel his muscles contract with his breathing. He held onto me tight as if he were scared to let go.

Sam began to wake up and I pretended that I was still sleeping, he kept holding me even though he was awake. I decided to start to 'wake up' and he jumped out of the bed and started to apologize nervously.

"I'm sorry I would have moved but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you."

"It's fine, I wouldn't have wanted you to move anyway. It was so cold last night and you're really warm... Umm, well we should get heading on our way we only have a few hours left to go." I replied as we both quickly got ready to leave. I couldn't help wanting to stay and lay next to him again, but I knew we had to go.

Zelda's POV

Dean chose a less recognizable mini van - which he hated. - I still don't know why I was okay with stealing and hot wiring a car, but I was too focused on Xena to care. Instead I thought of why they took the Impala, and how it would be easier to find them because of it.

Since then we've been on the road all day, and the last rays of sunlight were leaving the sky before I noticed a black impala parked at a hotel.

Dean parked, telling me to stay in the car while he figured out if that was them. I watch through the rear view mirror as he walks into the lobby, talking to the clerk for a few minutes, following some kind of exchange. Wait, is he bribing him? I crane my neck turning around but he's already on the way back so I hurry and face forward in my seat. 

He doesn't come back to the front though, instead he - I assume - breaks into the Impala's trunk because I don't think he has the key. And sticks some kind of device under it by the back wheel, before finally coming back to the van.

"What was that?" I ask as he opens the driver side door.

Apparently he put some kind of tracking device on the bottom of their car and decided that we should rest since there's no point staying up to watch a building.

Apparently he didn't have enough money for a hotel, so we had to sleep in the van. It wasn't completely horrible and I could've sworn that he was thankful now for our choice in vehicle.

I woke up to the start of a car. Dean was in the driver's seat pulling out of the motel and letting streaks of light fall into my eyes.

I picked myself up, climbing into the front seat clumsily and buckling my seat belt. Dean started talking as I was fittering around with it.

"They're on the move."

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