9 | Rescued

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The world around me was dead silent. My heart beat faster and faster though everything else seemed to be in slow motion.
I didn't hear the glass break, though -somehow- I know that it did. I opened my eyes just fast enough to see Sam push her down and Dean tie her hands together. Thank god she was moving so slow or they probably would have been too late.
I buried my face into Francis' chest, trying to control my breathing. I still have no idea what was wrong with Xena, but hopefully the boys will think of something to do.
I don't know if it was because one of my best friends had died, or that I had almost too, but I felt completely awestruck and could barely process what the boys were saying. It felt kind of like floating, and was heaven compared to everything else that had happened so I decided to enjoy it and let Francis take over. Leaving them all to talk I went to his room and eventually fell asleep.
I open my eyes to a room, pitch black and musty. The smell infested my nose and made me cough out my lungs. Suddenly a scream emits from the darkness, and instinctually I run to the sound. No matter how fast I run it doesn't seem like I'm actually moving, though my lungs still start to burn. After what seems like forever, figures begin to fade into the pitch black existence and another scream rings through my head. My legs begin to shake wearily, but I can't stop now. It's calling me, the scream sounds incredibly familiar somehow and the fact that I can't place it only makes me move faster. The figures become more and more visible, forming into people and growing more familiar. I can see Dean and Sam, and the one screaming -strapped in a chair- is... Xena.
Another scream bellows out into existence, and it isn't until I open my eyes and bolt upward do I realize that it was coming from me.
Three seconds flat and Francis is bursting through the door. "What happened!? Are you okay!?" I sigh, he's always so worried about me. "I'm fine. It was... just a dream." I reply with a yawn, though I myself didn't really believe that. I don't know how, but that felt much more then just a dream. I have to find out where Xena is.
I didn't know when to ask, so I didn't. Or at least I waited until I should. He made us both lunch and didn't ask about anything. It was obvious that he knew I didn't want to talk about it, and no matter how much he wanted to know he would always think of me first. Which incoincidentally made it harder to ask him, but I finally found it in myself.

"Hey Francis."


"Did they, by chance, tell you anything about what they were going to do?"

"Well they asked me to tell you to call them when you woke up, but I figured you could use a form of rest beforehand."

And there's Francis for you, always trying to do what he sees fit. I sigh with a small smile because I know that he's right. So I'll just wait until I've finished eating to ring them up.

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