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Kole's POV

I fly through the cool night air and land softly on a rooftop. Today was hectic, more eventful than I've had in awhile. I feel a presence behind me, and turn my head as cold fingers are place on my forehead. Suddenly all goes white, and it takes me a bit to regain my sight.

"Why am I back here?" I ask looking around Heaven's Garden. "Because you shouldn't interfere with anyone but the prophet, your duty is to protect her not be there for her friends." Joshua says walking up to me.

"I know but I haven't had that much fun in ages, Joshua. People are amazing." I say, about to fly away. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, they have this place on lock down. You might be tough but you can't handle a whole army by yourself and if you manage to you will be sentenced to life in prison." I thought about it knowing that I can't and will not sit here and wait for someone to come after the prophet.

I walk around the garden after he leaves, looking for weak spots. All I need is a few minutes to get to Zelda.. but I just can't seem to find any. I sit in the grass which is much softer than anything Earth is capable of, and think. This whole time I've been worried about getting out, but now more questions form in my mind. Why are they so worried about me in particular? They started this whole shutdown just to keep me from flying around Earth? It just didn't add up..

Out of the corner of my eye I see a black dot, and immediately fly to it. There in the grass is unmistakably one of Castiel's feathers, it flew through a weak spot! I pick it up and place it in a pocket of my trench coat before flying out, finally free. The weak spot led to a deserted field and

almost as soon as I land I'm smashed into the ground.

Getting up I pull out my sword, three angels stand in front of me. We go at it quickly, I manage slit an angel's throat while holding back one other behind me. I turn around to kill the third but it got to me first and I'm pinned to the ground.

I wake up in a cell. They've locked me up in prison, not just any prison though it's angel prison. Which is worse than hell. There was nothing to look at but grey walls. Nothing to do but think. And all I had to think about was all the prophets before Zelda. I'd never had a bond like this with any of them, what makes Zelda so different?

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