2 | First Gig

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Xena's Pov

     "Our first gig!" I say excitedly, we had been practicing for awhile now just waiting for an opportunity and we finally got one, thanks to Zelda who basically has the whole diner wrapped around her finger.
     "I know right!? Its soo exciting!" Juan replied in that thick accent of his.

     The whole diner was more lively this Friday afternoon then I had seen it in awhile, which only made me that much more nervous.

     "Guys are you sure they'll like us? I mean i'm a really cr*ppy player, and there are a lot of people here."

     "Girrrl don't you worry your amazing, and they'll all love us." Juan replied confidently

     "Fine, lets just get it over with..." I say more to myself then anyone else.

     Looking over to Zelda I realize that obviously my best friend wasn't afraid, Xena knew that this wasn't the first time she sung in front of others, but as far as she knew it was the first time with a group.
     No one really cared to watch us while we set up our instruments, though I noticed a few people looking over, probably wondering who we were and what we were going to do. There are a few regulars here who are used to the regular entertainment, something that we hoped to become. The (hot) guy that was hired for doing so walks across the stage to announce our band and such,
     "Please Welcome Hectic Glow singing Carry on my Wayward Son"
He announces in a very sexy, deep voice. And we begin to play.
     After my first guitar solo I look out into the crowd. My attention suddenly averts to this handsome guy sitting at a table towards the back. For some reason I felt like I knew him, I felt a weird burst of inexplainable love for him, but I literally have no idea why I started having these thoughts because I don't think I've ever met him. I would remember a face like that, and thanks to this mystery man I was about five seconds late on my next guitar solo.

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