18 | Earth

17 4 0

Zelda's POV

They're coming. I know they are. I'm pacing back and forth in my room, waiting for it to happen. Hopefully whatever plan Crowley made-up will work.

Hopefully I won't have to go back, and face Xena. I've learned not to be angry with her anymore, now I know that she's just not worth my time.

All of a sudden a huge noise roars out from the main room. I look out my bedroom door knowing what to expect. Two people a boy and a girl, barged in through the door to hell.

I look for Crowley, but he's nowhere to be seen. Replacing his presence are what seems to be every demon in hell fighting each other. The angels rush toward my room and I slam the door and run backwards.

My door is thrown open, but it isn't the angels. It's two demons, and they head straight for me. Before I can react at all, they reach me and everything goes black.

I open my eyes to damp darkness. I'm back on earth, in the ground where my body had been probably. My first thought is to dig up, you know save my life and all.

The light outside is painful after being in the darkness for awhile and it takes me a minute to adjust. Looking down I realize i'm back in my ripped up and bloody Metallica shirt.

F*ck my life. Why can't I just be left alone? The Winchesters will be here soon for sure, so I start running. I don't ever want to see them again, which means they can't catch me. Although I know that sooner or later they'll find me, as always... But I can stretch my time.

Apparently they buried me in the middle of nowhere, but after walking for about an hour I come across a gas station and walk in, starving and dehydrated, both earth problems only.

Of course I don't have any money with me so I take my knife out of my boot and chuck it through the guy's throat. Then grab a bag and walk around the store to take some supplies.

I grab a slushy and pie, filling the bag with chips and candy for later. I'm ready to leave when I realize that I'll need some money for the future so I empty the cash register and hotwire the guy's car. Thanks for teaching me that, Dean.

I don't even get halfway up the road when I look back and a 1967 Chevy Impala is chasing behind me. Really? What do these people want with my life?

They honk the horn at me, apparently expecting me to stop but instead I quickly search the car, finding a hand gun in the glove compartment. It'll have to do.

I slam the brakes and jump out of the car, watching as they slam into it from behind. Xena opens the door and chases after me as I run into the forest.

Taking the gun out of my pocket I stop and turn around to her, pointing the gun at her head.

"Stop!" I scream at her, ready to shoot. She takes a gun out of her pocket and points it at me. I smirk, "Go ahead, shoot me! Then I can go back to hell!" She looks at me dumbfounded, "You know what, mine as well speed up the process!" I yell pointing the gun to my own head.

Before I could pull the trigger someone slams into me and everything goes black.

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