27 | Fight

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The skinwalkers advance toward Dean and Sam, whom were ready for the fight. Right here, out in the open? I think to myself. It seems like a dumb idea, but the boys didn't look ready to back down and neither did the monsters. Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder, I turn my head to see a stranger but he doesn't seem so strange somehow when his eyes flicker to black and back.

"You're little secret was kept from us," he said quietly, "We wouldn't have let you go so easily." Dean and Sam were busy with them, Xena busy watching. This is what she wanted after all. "I'm not going with you." I spit, feeling a surge of adrenaline at his filthy smirk. "I didn't say you had a choice." he replies curtly, throwing a hand over my mouth.

I throw my knee upward into his stomach, and though it hardly fazes the demon it forces him to soften his grip enough for me to move away. "Dean!" I call, turning to see the boys not fighting two monsters, but four. Xena finding an excuse to help. I only had a second to look, but it actually seemed like the four monsters were fighting each other.

Either way Dean heard my calls and began to recite some old language, but the demon had disappeared. He than grabs Sammy's arm, pulling him back and motioning for me and Xena to get in the car. Neither the skinwalkers or the new ones seemed to notice, they were too busy fighting. "What's going on?" I ask once we're safe in the car. "I have absolutely no idea." Sam started, Xena cut in excitedly though. "They were about to fight the skinwalkers when two vampires cut them off. They were talking about some kind of prophecy, I think they both wanted you!" Dean's tone changed to serious and grave. "Which is exactly why you don't need to join in on the hunts, we don't know why everyone wants You but we also don't want to take any chances."

I open my mouth to protest, but close it instead. He's right. If all of these monsters, even demons, are willing to go through this much trouble it must be something bad. Xena didn't have as much sense. "What! Even if it is dangerous, don't you think she'll- we'll be more vulnerable away from you two!? We can't just go home, they might be there!" They might be there. At our home.. Demons possess those you love, even kill them when they want something. "Francis.." I say in shock, too quiet for the boys to hear me.

"What?" Xena asks.

"Francis, Francis.. He could, they could. We can't just.."


"What are you two mumbling about back there?" Dean calls.

"We have to go back to Lebanon, now." She answers simply, her voice not carrying the desperate tone mine would have.

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