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︰୨୧・꒱ ────sixth year: arrangements.


⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝summary::the group try to find a way to convince the blacks and lestranges that an arranged marriage is not ideal!!notes::

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⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
the group try to find a way to convince the blacks and lestranges that an arranged marriage is not ideal!!
.. adding stress to my characters' lives gives me a will to live! i love it.
⌞ °   •    +   •   °   ⌟

"and my beloved, neither do you„

12th may 1978.

"okay. so what if you say you're gay?" evan asked.

"merlin, then they'll set him up with rabastan. no," pandora said. "why have they done this?"

"panda.. your parents rarely do things like this," athena mumbled, confused.

"i know but the blacks are very persuasive," the blonde groaned.

"clearly, or else ath here would have never touched regulus," barty laughed.

an icy glare was shot at him by athena, soon mirrored by regulus, who was sat right next to her. he had hardly spoken since they all met up an hour ago in his dorm.

they've been trying to find ways out of this since the day regulus received the letter, but his parents want him married as soon as he turns seventeen. this july.

"panda, marry xeno! get eloped," athena suggested.

"no, absolutely not! i love him, but i am not eloping him. we're seventeen."

"well, it looks like you'll be marrying at seventeen anyways," athena said. she immediately regretted it. "i'm sorry. that's not true... we'll find a way out of this."

"why panda?" barty wondered aloud.

"pureblood and family tied to the dark lord," athena said. "opposing me, right? i mean, walburga must've seen me when i was visiting regulus in the wing and got mad."

regulus and pandora shared a look and then regulus nodded. "sounds like walburga."

"i don't know what to fucking do," pandora said, starting to cry. "mum said she doesn't believe in this stuff.."

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