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Derek's POV
It's been 4 years since KC left Beacon Hills and I'm still determined to make her mine again. Without my mate I feel like half of me died and that the rest of me is slowly dying. I shouldn't have acted the way I did when she told me she was pregnant. But I did and these are my consequences.

"Hey Derek," Isaac, my second in command, greeted.

"Hey Isaac, find anything on KC," I asked hopefully.

"No, you could probably get something from Scott or Stiles. Might even have better luck with Lydia," Isaac suggested.

"Ok, thanks Isaac," I said and grabbed my leather jacket then left to Lydia's house.

*Skipping the Drive*

*knock*   *knock*
I knocked on the door trying not to let my wolf take over.

"Oh hi," Lydia greeted.

"Hi, I'm here to see KC," I asked even though I am aware of her absence.

"Oh sorry but KC moved out," Lydia replied.

"Oh well, do you happen to know where she might have moved to," I asked trying to sound normal.
"You could probably search the web, she is a model after all. Good looks runs in the family," Lydia suggested with a smirk.

"Ok, thanks," I said and left. Wow! She became a model. That's kinda hot.

I came back to my loft to find all my 3 betas talking to each other and stopped when I walked in.
"Everyone look KC up on the web," I demanded.

"Why," Erica asked. Erica is kind of hoping I will never find her because she has a massive crush on me.

"Turns out KC isn't only a mother but she also became a model," I informed them.

"Wow! That's kind of hot!" Isaac said. I growled at him.

"MINE!" I growled protectively over my mate. And everyone started searching the web.

"Found her," Boyd said.

"Where is she," I demanded.

"She is currently living in San Antonio, Texas," Boyd informed me.

"Here, let me see the phone," I said. I wanted to learn more about her new life.

Boyd handed me the phone. My face froze when I read the part that talked about her children, our children.

"Oh my god!" I said still in shock.

"What?!" Everyone said at once

"Twins....she had twins..." I said stunned.

"Dang dude. Who's the guy that knocked her up?" Isaac asked, sympathetically.

"Me" I replied, the now horrifying memory of me rejecting my mate playing in my head.

"Awwww, what are the names," Erica asked.

"Umm....Luna and Luke Guerra," I said with a smile across my face.

"Wait, Guerra means war in Spanish," Boyd said confused.

"Yeah, her family back in Mexico are very big there. Some say they are natural born fighters. Not only that but their all born Alphas and they all have some kind of special gift from birth, they just have to figure out what it is." I informed them about my KC's family history.

"Wow! So she's like royalty to the werewolves in Mexico?" Isaac asked. Erica looked shocked, theirs no way she can compete with KC now.

"Pretty much," I started," ok so I guess we're going to San Antonio." I stated with a smile. A real smile.

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now