The Funeral

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Derek's POV

Last night was pretty stressful, with KC evolving into her final Angelic Wolf form. She told me about the flashbacks she had. I felt bad that I wasn't there for them. It not like I didn't feel bad before, it just made me realize how much of their young lives I really missed.
On our way to the funeral, KC looked like she was about to explode. I tried my best to calm her down but everything I tried didn't have any effect on her.
"Babe? Are you ok? Do you need a coffee? Water? Anything?" I asked concerned
"I need my pups!" She finally broke
"I know baby, I know. But their in a better place now. With the Moon Goddess. And I know that I didn't bond with them like you did and feeling your emotions are kind of a plus but they wouldn't want to see you like this, they would want you to be strong" I encouraged
"How can I be strong when they were my strength!? They were my whole world! They're my anchor! And now their gone!" KC began to cry, I didn't push it any farther.
We finally got to the funeral spot.


We arrived at the lake where me and my pups spent some of our most treasured memories. I don't even know how I'll make it. Derek and I got out of the car and walked over to the crowd of friends and family. I walked over to the girls, Lydia and Allison and Erica. Derek went to stand next to Peter, who had recently come back from the dead, and Scott. Scott was waiting for the ceremony to be start with Stiles, Isaac, and Boyd.
Lydia and the other girls were as bad as me. They've bonded so close to them. Luna would gossip to them and Luke would chase them around in full wolf form and Ava was like an advisor to them about any drama they had. I was dressed in a black dress that went up to my mid-thigh and showed off my curves. With a black funeral hat, black wedges, and finally a black fur coat that hung over my shoulders.
The ceremony began shortly after we all arrived. I sat next to Derek and cuddled into his side with my head in his chest.
"We are gathered here today for the grief and lose of 3 beloved pack members, Luke and Luna Guerra-Hale and Ava Hernandez. First to come up and speak is their mother and alpha, KC Guerra" Mary announced, everyone clapped as I made my way to the stand.
"Thank you for coming. I feel that it's only fair if I apologize to them and to all of you. I feel like it's my fault that they couldn't be here with us today. I'm the one that didn't work harder on being a better alpha and mother to them. I'm the one Deucalion wants, I caused this," I paused to wipe my tears away, "I put them in danger. And I'm so deeply sorry"
I walk out of the room with the girls following close behind. I stop at a big tree and slide to the ground. I rest my head on my knees and brake for what seems like the hundredth time today. The girls come to comfort me but it was no use. I'm a horrible mother and alpha. How am I supposed to care for a whole pack when I can't even take care of 2 kids?
"Sweetheart, it's not your fault. It was an honest mistake. Life's too short to be beating yourself up for 1 mistake" Lydia advised
After everyone's speech it was time to burry the bodies. The girls continued to comfort me in my time in my depressed state. Derek wasn't the best at emotional topics and situations. So he let the girls handle them. Just as they finished covering their coffins with dirt, I placed a single rose on each of their coffins. Derek and I were last to leave. Derek waited by the car while just had to say one last goodbye.

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now