The Prophecy

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Deucalion's POV

I could have sworn that James boy was the Angelic Wolf! Why didn't I focus on the other girl! I couldn't believe it. I was hard enough killing a 'Guerra' but killing and fighting a 'Guerra' who is the definitely the Angelic Wolf! That's near impossible, even with my alpha pack.
"KALI!" I yelled. I needed her to prepare the others for the battle that could end all of our lives.
"Yes Alpha," Kali responded while snapping back into focus from the ear piercing growl that the girl let out, "how may I assist you?"
"I need you to get the others ready for a fight that could cost us our lives" I finished. Kali responded with a shocked face then quickly changed to a determined one and left to do as she was told.
I went back to my room to look over the prophecy. 'Every one thousandth 'Guerra' born will contain a gift from the Moon Goddess to fight off the Demonic Wolf,' I read. Maybe I miscounted? Or is it possible that her father's gift was passed in because deep down he knew he didn't quite finish the job? Or maybe it passed down genetically?


As I ran up to the Pack House with my pack from Deucalion's death house, I mind linked the head elder to meet me in the house with the other elders. I clawed at the door until Mary opened it. I ran to my room to shift back and throw some clothes on. I put on a white tank top and hot pink shorts. I ran back downstairs to see the elders and the rest of the pack in the living room.
"I called the elders here because when I was captured by some guy named Deucalion," as I said his name the elders tensed, "he said that I was chosen by the moon goddess! What is that supposed to mean?"
"KC, it's seems to me that you are the Angelic Wolf. You are the only one that can stop him. For he is the Demonic Wolf. If you fail then the gift will pass on the the next generation, Luna and Luke, till he is killed and done for until the next thousand years. Your father possessed the gift and he killed him but he forgot that the Demonic Wolf has the power to rise from the dead. He forgot to burn him so in time he gathered all his power to rise again"
"So? What an I suppose to do? If you haven't noticed, he is the alpha of an alpha pack!"
"Which is why you need to learn what your powers are and how to control them" my head elder, Mary, explained.
"Fine, let's start tomorrow at noon" I said as I made a mental note to buy more sports bras and training shorts.

Derek's POV

I went back to Beacon Hills with my pack to help Scott and the other's with the Alpha Pack. Right now we are planning to attack Deucalion. Just as we began talking about the plan again, to make sure we thought it through, Kali and Ernis along with the twins came in through my loft door.
"I was thinking, why not just go in there and kill him. But then I remembered that you hide behind a bunch of teenagers like a coward!" Kali stated, "come on Derek, you and me, one on one! Or I'll tell the twins hear to rip your mate's sitter apart!"
I growled as I saw the twins holding Ava hostage and began fighting Kali. I knew it wasn't just Ava's life in my hands but also my twins. While Ernis was holding back Cora, who we recently saved from the alpha pack, Kali grabbed a pole from the ground and shoved it right through my chest. I roared in pain. She slightly twisted the rusted pole in my chest, I flinched.
"Stop! Your killing him!" Cora yelled worried for my life. Suddenly, Deucalion walked in the room.
"Hello, Derek. Nice to see you again" Deucalion greeted
"Let...her....go" I stuttered from the pain
"Very well," he motioned for Ernis to let Cora go, "see we can be very reasonable. Now, have you made your decision on joining my pack?" Deucalion asked
"I will never join your pack. I'm not going to kill my pack. Why can't you get that through your twisted head!" I stated angrily
"Because I'm always looking for new talent. I wanted your mate to join too but after her demonstration of her special gifts and powers, she is destined to be against me" Deucalion said making me wonder what he meant by 'special' gifts and powers.
"What do you mean by special? I'm pretty sure you knew she is a 'Guerra' by blood. What's so special about her being able to camouflage better by changing the color of her fur?"
"You don't know do you?" Deucalion asked
"What are you talking about?" I growled in frustration. He started saying how he was destroyer of world and alpha of alphas and he roared when he can to the part of him being the Demon Wolf. His sunglasses shattered due to his deep, blood curdling roar.
"Now think about it, if I'm the Demon Wolf and I said 'she was destined to be against me', put the pieces together and what have you concluded?" Deucalion asked
"KC is the Angelic Wolf"

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now