The Tragedy

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I have been training non-stop. After the discussion about what Deucalion's plans were, I made it my duty to kill him. He is threatening Scott and Derek to join his sorry excuse for a pack. I'm currently beating the living shit out of my 7th punching bag this week. The thing that really fuels my anger is that he is using my loved ones as a weakness! UGH!!! There goes my punching bag!
"Julio! Can you please get me another punching bag please!" I shouted just a little.
"We ran out but me and April will go get a few more" Julio shouted back. Turns out it's mating season. It's the time of the year where it is easiest to find your mate. For those who already found them, they have a higher urge to mark and mate them. It's just a confirmation that our species doesn't extinct.
"Luna, Luke come pick up this rabbit! It's staining a $300 white rug!" I called. Weird? They should have been tumbling down the stairs by now.
"Luke? Luna?" I called once again. Nothing. I was starting to get worried. They never leave the pack house without telling me!
I ran up to there room to find it completely empty. I'm freaking out. I grabbed there blankets and texted the whole pack to come to the house immediately. No longer than 15 minutes, the whole pack was in the living room. I noticed something. Ava. She was missing. She never misses a meeting, she is always the 1st one here.
"Has anyone seen Ava?" They all mumbled a 'no.'
"Ok! Luna and Luke are missing and now so is Ava. I want you to track them down by scent" I ordered. They all lined up to take a whiff of their blankets. Julio ran upstairs to Ava's room to get her pillow to get a scent to track. Some shifted into wolf form and some full wolf form, only the evolved wolves. I took a whiff of the blankets and pillow and was off. I've been leading my pack to an old warehouse somewhere in the territory. We cautiously walk inside. The disturbing scent of death quickly reacted my snout. I refused to think of the worst. We split up. Julio mind-links me that he found something. I stalk towards his brownish wolf. I saw a trail of blood. My mind flooded with confused thoughts. I slowly and carefully push the door open with my paws and whimpers escaped at the gruesome scene. I howled sadly. Soon the rest joined in. I couldn't believe it. My howls quickly changed to mournings to a declaration of war against the alpha pack. Most of all Deucalion.

He killed Ava. Luke. And Luna.

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now