Chap 34

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Not even Apollo was forgiven. Every God in your eye was your enemy.

Grabbing hold of Apollo's hand he was taken off guard by your sudden gaze. "I never told you." It's as if you were drawing him in by the tenderness in your lips. Words of praise or seduction are what he was expecting. 

"Tell me." He leaned in closer for your lips to tease his. 

Poseidon charged in sickened by this view only to be body-slammed through a pillar. 

"Late for the party!" Hera who was soaking her feet in the pool held a bottle of lavender perfume. Looked over to see Buddha using his Fourth Realm shield.


3 years before.

Hera added just a tap on your lips before handing you a sample in a bottle. "This will protect you, child. A gift from Aphrodite and I. We created this cocktail for you. Men, women, and anyone whose heart is like a spider's web will be drawn. Anyone who once desired you will now serve you, those who wish you harm will now protect you, those who envy you will admire you, who steal from you shall give you a greater fortune. For Apollo who desires to be praised by you shall give you all even his divine weapons."

"Will you be there Here?" 

"Of course child.." Hera looked away from you meaning you could now leave she was now wanting to be left alone. "Do you like being alone?" You asked only for her to wave you off. She couldn't help but at least give you a smile just to see your smile. She grew fond of you. Not as a pet. Her heart ached with worry for you as a mother would. For all, she knows. She could be helping you kill her as well. She is aware of your hate for Gods so she believes you will betray her. 


"I am never late!" Buddha held out his Six Realm Staff looking back to Hera. 

"Apollo." Apollo was lost in your lips he felt sharp pain before hearing bone being dislocated from a joint. Looking to where you were holding his hand, his entire arm had been ripped off by you. You tossed Apollos' arm to the side before walking away from him. 

" Zeus!" Hera called out to her old husband. A spark of lightning struck the marble of Apollo's estate. "What nonsense is this!" The old man walked with his arms behind his back looking around at the mess. Poseidon was in combat with Buddha while Apollo's arm was ripped off his body and no. "You have somehow convinced my wife and Budha to join your crusade. Is this Brunhilde's doing? You have been a handful since Poseidon brought you in. I brought someone else along." Zeus steps to the side Hades takes a step forward. "My your name if you are to hate anyone perhaps put that hate on me but not my brother. All I did was simply do as he asked me. Let us work this out, Return me your rose of soul. And I swear not to have you turned into a soul tree within my Forrest."

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