You weren't sure of the time when you opened your eyes, however Frisk and Flowely were still asleep. You felt your body filled full of jitters and so you carefully got up and headed out of the room, leaving the door cracked. You began to head to the kitchen but paused seeing stairs leading down. 

You shouldn't be rude and invade Toriel's home, who knows what you would find. But you continued to the stairs and walked down them, the wooden steps turning into carved stone as you walked barefoot amongst them. 

You almost didn't notice at first but as you glanced down you noticed with your shoes off, since you had kicked them off without looking before bed, your right foot was skeleton. You paused bending down to examine the bones and the exposed ankle, how the flesh part of your upper ankle didn't even look decayed away at all. You wondered if you would continue to slowly decay. 

Wiggling the skeletal toes you stood back up and continued down a long hall of the undersides soon coming to a large door. 

The air felt chilly. 

You hummed, pressing on the door seeing it locked you shrugged it off and turned to head back upstairs and get that glass of water you wanted.

knock knock 

You froze, turning back to look at the door. Was...was someone on the other side? Surely you must be imagined it, still being half asleep because surely there was no possible way

knock knock 

You started before moving closer to the door.

okay if i die, i die…but fuck it.

"Who's there?" You asked leaning against the door to listen to what or whom was on the other side. There was silence and you were sure you were just imagining it.

"Your new.." a deep husky baritone voice answered back causing you to pause. 

i shouldn't be an asshole, i don't know this person

"Your new who?" You blurted out and yet cringed, obviously they weren't trying some kind of joke. 

yep. I'm an asshole. 

You rubbed your face and thought to apologize. 

"........I usually can come up with a comeback but i think you threw me off my game." The voice spoke again, and you chuckled.

"Sorry, that was an ass move…" You replied leaning on the door and you wondered if the new person was doing the same on the other side.

If you could have seen, you would have been right. 

"...Where's the old lady?" The voice spoked and you hummed.

"I think she's still in bed. we all didn't go to bed early last night, kinda late actually." You spoke examining your skeletal hand, you couldn't get over how the bones moved so smoothly on their own.

"We all?" The voice asked and you felt yourself tense. Maybe you shouldn't tell him how many you were, it wasn't like you knew the owner of that voice, yet you already did give it away huh?

"Yea…Anyways, im y/n. Whatta about you?" You asked and was met with silence.

"The old lady and I don't do names." He spoked. 

"Well I ain't the old lady. So buddy, what's your name?" You pressed and waited.

"....Red." The voice responded back causing you to click your teeth.

" I call Bullshit." 

The voice laughed some.

"That's all you are getting pal." The man spoke through his chuckles. 

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