"Do you know what you are asking?!"

"We have no other options B. The war is becoming out of control."

"You want to use our unborn child's magic! You want to use them for this war when they haven't even been born, been named!"

You looked in the darkness confused, you could hear voices of an argument but saw no one, you moved towards them. You could see ... .figures. Not people but figures in color hues.

B- Was outlined in orange and looked to be a woman.
Around B were seven  other glowing figures.
Green,purple,blue, baby blue, red and white.
What was going on?

"What do you suppose we do? We have tried talking on both sides, We have tried to negotiate peace, we have tried everything we can, Humans are dying, Monsters are dying. Both sides are not letting up until one if not both races are dead!" The red figure spoke.

"You are being insensitive." The green figure spoked up, their head turning towards the red figure. "You do understand you are asking them to sacrifice their child's soul? Please show some kindness and spare them some empathy of how difficult this decision is." He spoke softly.

"Our child could be the hope between our races, living proof that Monsters and Humans can live in peace, harmony." orange spoke up her hands going to her stomach.
The room was quiet once more.

"You have been quiet, friend." The light blue figure spoke, they sounded very young, not a complete child but surely younger than the rest of the figures. "What is on your mind judge."
The white figure sighed their hands going to their face rubbing temples.
" I see both your side and My mates side. Our child possesses not only a soul never seen before but magic as well..I wish they weren't strong enough to have presented their soul during that attack, and weren't able to reveal such magic to have us here in this room having this discussion." the white figure sighed, sounding tired.

"They are a mage in their own right but also, a judge. They somehow were able to judge the situation of that attack and seemed to know who to protect and who to not. who was innocent and who was guilty. Yet the one our childs soul choices were not the same as mine. They acted completely different than how i would have judged the situation. With their magic. I can easily see that you are planning on fueling it to……………………And force a temporary peace until what, the spell is broken? Then what? the war happens again."

"No, We have came with precautions, and I am determined that they will work."

"oh and what exactly is that?" white snapped.

"We will lie, we will lie about the spell, we will make sure Justice is born again and they will give both sides their peace. And our reincarnations no matter what state they are in when they need us, we will help them when they call out to us." purple spoke up.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" Orange question.

"We will make them believe Justice was always there, even if it's a lie. We will make them think Determination is a new trait, a rare trait. To make sure Justice will be reborn without being under anyone's suspension or control. And they will bring Justice to both races, and soon peace between them."

Red spoke but now instead of facing the others they were facing you.

"And I will be there, to give them my Determination when the time comes."

You woke up panting, sitting up quickly as you heaved. Your eye and Eyelight moved seeing toris sleeping face. You sighed glad you hadn't woken her and moved to get up going to the bathroom. You turned on the shower and moved to get into its hot water.
The dream is fading from your mind despite you trying to remember it.
It was like, you weren't ready for it to stick yet.
You sighed, focusing on washing yourself instead. Once you left the bathroom you went back to Tori's room for your clothes pulling them on you went to check on Frisk and Flowey.
They both were awake when you opened the door. Frisk looked at you brightly before scrambling out of their bed.
"Can I help you make breakfast today papa? Pleaseee?" They asked and you chuckled.
"Sure kiddo, let's get your hair brushed first. " You answered moving to their dresser to grab a brush.
After you had gotten their hair brushed out from tangles and knots you were in the kitchen making simple breakfast bowls.
Your chest was aching and you found yourself trying to remember the dream.
you couldn't.
"How long are we staying here with moma tori?" Frisk asked and you looked at the pan of cooking eggs.
It's been a while now, Frisk's parents must be freaking out by now. You felt guilty for not being in a rush to get Frisk home like you promised.
"How about I talk to tori and we can see if we leave tomorrow morning." You told them before making bowls up.
"Okay." Frisk said simply before rushing to the table to set it up before you got to it drawing a chuckle from you.
When Toriel came in she smiled seeing you had made breakfast and sat down joining you at the table. Frisk stole glances up at you and towards Toriel and Flowey seemed to facepalm himself with one of his leaves.
"Is there something the matter?" Toriel spoke and you felt your guilt rise.
You didn't want to leave her, you wished she would come with you.
"Frisk wants to go home Tori…I have to take them home." You said looking at your bowl of food, before you got the nerve to look up at her. You could see her sadness deeply in her eyes. You pleaded with your own for her to abandon the ruins and come with you.
"Oh….yes…of course.." Tori spoked as she looked at her bowl. Her eyes seemed to be shrunken, she seemed to twitch.
"Oh no." Flowey whispered. "she's doing it.."
You gave the flower a worried glance.
"Tori?" You softly asked but watched as she slammed her hands on the table getting up.
"If you excuse me…I remembered I had to do something." She said and she quickly left causing you to scramble getting up.
"Tori, wait!" You called after her as you tried following her.

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