Sans had moved behind you, his eyelights trailing your body taking in the human and skeletal features you had. The exposed bones gleaned with magic, magic you had unknowingly let store away in your joints for so long. He saw you get in a few fights at the bar, nothing for a full encounter just people starting shit with your friends and you stepping in to defuse the situations. It seems however, your magic was taking those situations as life or death and started storing away the magic to implode if needed.
Penting up and waiting to be let out.
damn kids so stored up im shocked they aint in heat.
You shivered some under his gaze, body tensing and untensing. Sans sighed, He had explained how this may cause your body to react and both of you had fallen into an awkward silence and he was surprised you still were willing to trust him.
You shouldn't.
It had slightly annoyed him.
He decided to work head down, thinking it would be the easiest way to get through this. He moved his hands around to your jaw carefully, taking it before he yanked down on it. You let out a hiss that turned into a growl, a crunching sound popping from your jaw, which caused you to whimper.
Fuck sakes.
He removed his hands from your jaw before carefully wrapping them around your head closer to your neck. He moved your head side to side feeling your bones strain against the movements. He slowly moved your head again until he felt that tension break and he jerked your head quickly hearing a small chorus of bones popping.
A moan leaves your gritting jaw and you start to pant. Sans felt his hands tremble as he felt the magic move more fluently on your body. He clenched his teeth as he felt his own magic swirl through his bones.
He slid his hands to your shoulders grabbing your arms and snatching, causing the joints to pop loudly.
You yelped, body panting,
He moved your shoulders in small circles to ease the pain causing another small whimper to leave you. Your body trembling underneath his hands. He swallowed thickly, as he moved to your shoulder blades popping them as well as listening to the sounds you made, knowing despite how he's trying to ignore them, they will most likely come back and haunt him later.
a vocal little thing huh?
He moved you carefully to lay on the med bed on your side, taking the time to check your face. Your human eye seemed entirely unfocused, your pupil blown wide, and your eye socket. Told him everything.
Eyelight blown wide and fuzzy, magic whispering from it here and there as you panted.
You were nowhere coherent to fight him if he attacked you right now. You were completely vulnerable and at his mercy.
Sans felt his magic swirl more at that, he could do whatever he wanted to you.
his fault, for allowing him to get to this point.
He thought before sickly shaking the thoughts from his head.
You could easily become a great source of EXP, but he had grown used seeing you around the Kid. You were a good parent for them.
You tried to actively try to be a good person towards Frisk. Teaching them to be good.
You were by far better than any of the parents down in the underground. While Bonding may be rare, not all of them were good. Most of the time it was a heat of a moment that led to two dumbass monsters having a kid thinking they were able to keep their stupid fucking dream safe. Most kids don't even fucking make it down here. Those so called parents will rather watch their kid be dusted than themselves stepping in and taking the death themselves.
But you? His eyelights focused on you.
You kept your eyes on the kid regardless of how "distracted" you seemed to be. Performing "lost" in the music your eye will zero in on Frisk and Flowey like one of alphys creepy ass cameras.
You knew where they were in that bar at all times.
Someone walked up to the kids unwelcomed? You suddenly were at the bar leaning on it casually getting a drink and talking to the kids. That eye never leaving the monster, until they fucked off.
The only ones you didn't worry about was Grillby and well him. Even then sans had a suspension that trust wasn't 100%.
But it was enough that you allowed them to be around the kids without completely being suspicious of their intentions. he moved your left knee up to your pelvis, a hand going to your shoulder.
You must've trusted him a little more than he thought if you agreed to trust him to do this to you, leaving you so vulnerable.
It almost excited him.
He pulled your shoulder causing your back to twist a series of pops crackled like lightning and your moan rolled in like a thunder making his soul race as his eyelights took in your whorish expression.
He shouldn't be enjoying this, you came to him for help. If he was still at the labs he would very much be classified as being unprofessional…
He rolled you to your other side rougher than he meant to, you let out a delicious little whimper causing a growl to leave his throat, hsi clawed tips digging into your flesh for a second.
Good thing, he quit a long time ago.
Because he was enjoying this more than he wanted to admit. You were just so small, so easy to bend, and he couldn't help the thoughts about how easy you would be to break.
He shook his skull pushing thoughts away refocusing he lightened his grip on you before pulling your right knee upwards and grabbing on your shoulder.
"You're doing great, kid." He didn't need to say anything, you were out of it, he felt the need to fill the silence with something other than your bones popping and cracking releasing pent up magic and your noises.
He felt his soul pulse harshly when he felt your body tremble, your magic buzzing against his phalanges, The hairline cracks in them healing his eyelights snapped to your face
What a cute little mutt.
He pulled your shoulder now  watching your back arch and twisted another series of pops cracking down your lower spine the way you keened and moan broke into small whimpers caused another growl to leave his throat as his eyelights snapped to your face.
Eyelight blown wide and your human eye practically rolled back, tears pooling in both eye socket and eye as drool started to drip from your mouth.
fucking filthy little mutt.
Sans sneered at the sight, feeling his soul thrum against his chest. He moved you pushing you to lay on your stomach as he ran his hands down your spine making sure every vertebrae popped listening to your little whimpers and feeling you tremble under his phalange. He was losing focus as his finger strolled down to your lower back before he shook his head again refocusing placing a hand in between your shoulder slowly rubbing before feeling the tension leave he pushed down harshly causing the exposed bones under his palm to crunch loudly, feeling your released magic lick at his palm before dissipating. The yelp you let out was adorable, and he snickered as he moved his palm down repeating the motions, thos yelps turning into moans very quickly.
He swallowed thickly as pulled his hands away looking at the tip of your exposed upper pelvic bone on the left side.
He went to a cabinet grabbing a firm small pillow before walking back lifting up your lower half sliding it underneath before he placed his hand flat against your lower spine closer to your tailbone he placed his other hand on top of his before forcing down causing the bones to snap in place.
You were very vocal with this one, whimpering loudly with the dirtiest moan you let out during the entire adjustment.
He found him staring at you as your face fell deeper into the med bed. Your skin on your shoulders and back of your neck flush with color, the exposed bones flushing yellow with magic.
"Damn kid…You good?" He hestience clear in his voice when you didnt move or say anything but pant he felt himself start to sweat.
"Y/n?..Need an answer kid." He heard mumbling coming from the bed and he moved pushing your head to the side seeing your fuzzy eyelight, now in the shape of a heart that was dripping, tears and drool dripping to the bed.
His soul thumbed and swirled harshly he felt himself sweating more as he refused his magic to form on his ribs and pelvis.
"Y/n?" He forced out.
"mmfinnee…sansss" You purred out
He moved away from the bed heading to the sink in the lab to splash freezing ass water on his skull. His magic surging to it and trickling on his ribs.
He took a deeper breath, steeling himself as he moved back, rotating your pelvis to press back down on the pillow causing another pop and more undignifying noises leaving your body. Your bones started to vibrate under his hands as he turned your pelvis the other way, repeating the steps. Pulling the pillow from underneath you he rolled you flat on your back refusing to look at your face.
He let you rest for a moment and went back to your arms popping your elbows which just made you breathless and focused on popping your wrists then knuckles and fingers. He had to focus more on your left hand than your right, it seems you store more magic in your left hand then any other bone structure or joints. Your left hand was so stiff that he had to keep massaging and softly tugging at the joints before they gave any give for him to pop them.
He glanced back at your face seeing your eyelight is back to normal just slightly wobbly and your normal eye is focusing again. Your breathing was evening out again you were only softly panting.
"Doing okay there?" He asked, placing your hand down.
"Yea…Yea.." You answered and he nodded before lifting your knees making sure your feet were flat on the bed. He crossed his arms and hands on separate knees. He then pushed harshly, snapping your knees part causing your hips to pop against your pelvis.
"Hah!" You choked out a moan, your back arching as your head slung back.
"Fuck.." Sans muttered as he watched you in surprise, that wasn't even supposed to be a sensitive area. He didn't dare move as he watched you pant before relaxing your eyelight, calming back down as both pupils moved back to look at him, focusing again.
He let go of your knees grabbing your left one moving it up to your chest.
"H-gow are you doing?" You wheezed out and he looked down at you.
"Doing great, just cracking along." He said as he pressed down feeling your knee cracked underneath his hand watching your face contort and you gasped shakily, your bones rattling some.
hell..i'm going straight to hell.
"a-asshole." You muttered and he chuckled before resting your left leg down before repeating the steps with your right knee.
"No need to get popped outta shape kid."
You hissed out another shakey gasp before glaring at him.
"I'll come for your kneecaps ass." You threaten but with how full of color your face was and how you were panting. Your bark didn't have any bite to it.
Sans chuckled, laying your right leg down before going to your ankles, popping them and then your toes.
He had to spend more time on your right foot seeing the bones like your hand were more stiff.
Once he was done he made you stay lying down for a few minutes heading back to the sink to fill a plastic cup of water and bringing it to you. He motioned for you to sit up and he watched as you slowly eased up. Handing the cup he watched you chug it down letting out a sigh.
He watched you move, stretching and moving carefully letting out pleased sighs which made him have to look away.
"You gotta let your magic out more." He grumbled.
"But I do when performing." You let out and he rolled his eyelights looking back at you.
"More than that dumbass. I've never seen someone store away so much magic, if you don't let it out it's gonna keep storing until A- you can't move or B- you go into a false heat." He explained feeling impatient with you. Geez you had no fucking idea what you were doing and that was clear.
"False heat?" You question and sans felt his eyelights blimp out of existence.
hell fucking no, i aint explaining that shit.
"I'll give you a pamphlet." He forced out and he watched as you fucking snort.
"A pamphlet seriously? What is this middle school sex ed?" You joked, teasing him and he refused to look at you again.
"You can take the pamphlet or be left in the dark." He growled out.
"Oh so you can jump my bones but not tell me anything." Your voice dropped, slightly gravelly which made a shiver race through his spine and he took a step away from you snapping his head to glare at you.
Your face filled with delight and you let out laughter.
"You fucking mutt." He sneered at you. He should've just dusted your ass and taken the EXP afterall.
"Im sorrrry im sorry ill be a good boy now." You teased and Sans hated how his cheekbones flushed alongside yours.
"not another fucking word from you." He hissed before moving to his computer tapping away at the keyboard filling out the information sheets.
"You have slight Scoliosis by the way." He brought up and glanced at you as you looked over at him.
"So my spines fucked up?" you asked.
"Slight. You have a curve going but I'm sure with more adjustment it will straighten out." He explained before typing away at the keys.
"Wait…more adjustments?" You asked, your cheekbones flushing yellow.
He found himself chuckling.
"Yea dumbass, though next time won't be as intense as it was this time because your joints won't be fully loaded with magic. Getting regularly adjusted will prevent the sensitivity and pain caused by the building pressure of your magic. Paps and I easily get adjusted every week." He explained.
You looked at him for a moment.
"It's not erm…Not as pleasurable right?" You were selective with your words and sans scowled, shaking his head.
"I told you. It's only a sexual feeling when you let your joints fill completely up with magic and leave it sitting in them for long periods of time. You said you've been down here for four months and haven't been taking care of your bones at all this whole time? Yea it's no wonder why your bones were practically dripping the magic out. Im fucking suprise you were able to keep your soul in your damn ribcage the whole time." He went on and watched as you stiffened and your hand went to your chest.
"not supposed to present it to anyone…outside of an encounter." he heard you mutter and he found himself staring at you for a moment.
"Yea. Better if you don't. Can't trust anyone with it." He didn't mean to sound as coldly as he did because he watched you flinch and move your hand away from your chest to your lap.
"Yea." You muttered.
Sans sighed before moving back towards you.

"You ready for the judgment or do you want to come back another day?" He asked you
He watched as you took in a deep breath before looking at him moving to stand up.
"Can I get dressed first?" You asked and Sans nodded, moving out of the way.
"Yea ill be back kid." He answered before shortcutting away and into Grillby's bar.
Grillby turned to look at him, the flame monster smirking.
"Oh, so he did go to you for help. Tell me, was he all like that top to bottom?" Grillby hummed and sans growled storming to the bar.
"You fucking ass." He sneered watching Grillby's shoulders shake as the flamed monster laughed.
"You could've easily fucking helped the kid, why send them to me!?" Sans snarled.
"Oh Please!" Grillby crackled with laughter. "You've been dying to know what's under their mask the moment they came into town. I simply sent your answers straight to you on a silver platter. Sure I would have Adjusted Y/n as easily as I do you and Papyrus but this was so much worth it."
Sans growled, tearing his eyelights away from his asshole of a friend reaching over the bar snatching a mustard bottle.
"So how was it?" Grillby asked his smirk growing and Sans felt his bones burn with magic, his face growing warmer and warmer.
"He's…He's very vocal." Sans muttered, causing Grillby to laugh.
"He seemed the type. Enjoy yourself sans?"
Sans snapped at Grillby growling.
"No i fucking didn't, I had to make sure he wasnt gonna fucking present his soul! While keeping my own in fucking check! He was on a verge of a false heat, fucking smelt like he already was in one! Im suprise he aint fucking cum at all durring his adjustment!"
Grillby seemed taken aback.
"I…I wasn't aware the situation was that far along." Grillby answered.
Sans grumbled pouring mustard into his jaw feeling the bottles magic cooling his bones simmering down the heat that was growing in them.
"Yes…He's like that head to toe." He spoke up, breaking the silence.
Grillbh nodded and Sans looked up; he couldn't help the smirk forming on his face.

"He's a servile by the way."

Sans laughed at how fast Grillby's purple flames grew a bright orange and how the look of surprise formed on his face before it went to a frown.

"Fucking damnit..I should've  adjusted him myself afterall." Grillby groaned.

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