Nervous..Do I even have nerves anymore? 

You followed Tori to her bedroom, you could already feel your subconscious anxiety growing with each step.

What if I'm not good enough?

What if I bore her?

…..What if she sees all of me…would she even think I'm attractive?

Your hand moved to your lower face brushing your fingers along the bandana you had keeping the skeletal jaw hidden. Your Eyelight moving to the bangs that kept your exposed socket hidden from the world. 

Your clothes hid all the exposed patches where nothing but bones showed underneath from your skin.

I'm practically a decaying corpse….zombie probably. 

Yet Tori turned and smiled at you as she opened her bedroom door beckoning you inside to join her. You sucked in a breath as you walked in to look around. She had large oak dressers and a massive bed. You knew she was a giant woman but the bed was fuckinf huge. 

You heard the click of the door shutting and felt your heart racing as you found yourself fighting with the bottom of your bandana. 

Fuck…get it together y/n. 

You chastised yourself as you turned to look at Tori meeting soft warm eyes. 

"If you are uncomfortable we don't have to do anything but cuddle." She softly assured you and you let out a shaky breath.

"I aint…eva been with a monster…is all..I don't know exactly what i'm working with here." You admitted looking away nervously.

Soft bubbly laughter hit your ears causing your eye and eyelight to snap back at Tori.

"I am very aware, There is no rush y/n!" Tori giggled holding her face.

"It's about having fun! No pressures." 

her other hand softly taking your lower jaw tilting your head back to look at her.


You felt so warm, how could you feel your cheeks so warm? You didn't even have skin or nerves over it but you felt them burn. 

"Okay." You nearby whimpered.

smooth…very smooth

"Let's start by taking this off of you." Toriel softly chimed her hand sliding from under your jaw to the back of your head and you felt the time of your bandana pull against the back of your head before it went loose and flitted away to the floor, your eye and eyelight watching it slowly fall away, before they moved back to toriel's face.

Your body was shaking, you felt your very bones heat up harshly as arousal build and pooled in your pelvis.

She just did that with one hand! 

Tori chuckled as she softly pushed you back to fall onto the bed causing you to shower at first.  Her red warm eyes watching you as she came to you. 

"Now stay still dear." She hummed as she began to remove your clothes. You found that anxiety crawling back up from your stomach as she stripped you slowly.

The fear you felt about her disliking your body creeped up.

Shivering as your vest jacket slipped off of you and the feeling of your cotton sweater pulling over your head exposing your chest.

Her gentle gaze ran over your chest, seeing the patches of exposed ribs and bone, She let out a soft hum as her warmed hands ran over your chest, sliding down to your pants, they move to your eyes for permission and you felt a volt charge through your bones, your chest aching in warmness as you nod at her. 

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