Sans didn't tell you much but he did get out from under the desk and pulled through one of his short cuts appearing inside of a kitchen. He pushed you towards a large table to sit at while he went into the kitchen. 

"SANS WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU AT YOUR STAND?" you heard Papyrus snarled at his brother. 

It was strange, before you were sure they hated each other. But after what you saw through sans soul, what he entrusted you to see. You now know that it wasn't hatred. A facade for the most part and a huge part of their personalities. 

But you wondered if you could somehow soften the sharp edges they had towards each other. Improve their family bonds a little more. You would have to think about that a little more later it seemed. 

"Family Meeting." Sans spoke the two words simply but you could tell they had more meaning than that because whatever Papyrus was doing had immediately come to a halt. 

You heard something else, not sure what, but surely you caught on that they were talking to each other, but in a language you couldnt understand.

But soon enough Sans was walking towards the table with his towering younger brother in tow. You watched as Papyrus froze mid step his gaze sharp on you the entire time. 

You had wondered why for a second glancing down thinking it was cause sans had invited the 'human' in their home. But when your eye and eyelight landed on your left hand you realized. 

You weren't hiding your monster parts at all, having them on full display. You glanced up quickly feeling that semi panic in your chest. While Sans had taken to your undead half body well there was no telling how his brother would.  Though you watched the small pinprick eyelights snapping to his brother. 

"Explain." his voice is deeper, lower than you've ever heard it. It didn't sound like him at all, and it made you even more nervous. Sans however sat down at the table using Papyrus to walk over and sit down. You could taste the tension in the air and it caused your bones to slightly vibrate with magic. Ready to eathier take the fuck off out of this house or to swing with a blast of magic at any second.

"Pulled out the kids soul, it ain't human, it ain't monster, familiar no?" Sans said tilting his head towards his brother and you watched as Papyrus eyelights vanished as well at the wording his head snapping towards you. 

"Aint the same story for em if that's what you're thinking bro. They somehow caused themself to look like this themselves." Sans explained 

His own eyelights moving onto you though it felt like he was looking through you, you felt that pressure from last time back at the bar. 

Your body tensed and magic started to spark from your exposed joints. 

A growl leaving your teeth, seeming to surprise not only you but the skeleton brothers.

Sans lifted his hands in surrender before moving his eyelights away from you and back to his brother. 

"He can feel me checking him too, his magic immediately fights mine off too. 

Papyrus bristled, straightening up more as he sat glaring at you.

"Something to hide?" His voice is so uncomfortably quiet and into a growl of its own.

Your magic flared and you found yourself growling back, refusing to look away from Papyrus sockets. The tension building between you both almost immediately.

"If I was hiding shit, my face and hand would be covered." You're snarled, feeling a bite of static in your mouth. You could smell the others' magic flare up as well.

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