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He turned to his side watching you as you slept. He moved a clawed hand towards your bandana yanking it down to your neck revealing more of your skeletal features. 

How bone could look so soft. 

You forgot to read a story to the kids, but luckily for you they were fast asleep. 

Sans removed his hand, simply staring at you, studying your features. 

Only looking away when his phone vibrated in his pocket pullin his attention. 

He slid the screen on with his thumb seeing messages from Alphys.

Screws: if you're not all tied up, you should come back to my place. 

screws: Is your little human alright? Poor bastard didn't even look like he could walk with how fast you were dragging him out. People are starting to talk about that too. 

Sans found himself grunting, typing back towards her before pocketing his phone glancing back at you.

It didn't matter if people were talking, if they valued their lives, they'd shut up when he's around or be wise to not go around saying shit once they leave the bar.

His eyelights wandered from your face towards your chest,he'd be a complete liar if he said he wasn't hoping to see that bright liquid honey soul of yours. An even bigger one if he said he wasn't disappointed when he could only see a slight outline of it.

Your walls were back up, hiding your soul away from prying eyes again and your magic was on the attack of his, fighting off his check with ease. 

Sans sighed, pushing himself up from your bed and heading towards the door.He shouldn't have stayed…He didn't even understand why he did…Was it to comfort you because you were drunk? He doubted it, he already did enough getting you home. He could blame it on your very influencing magic but he'd once again be a liar because your magic was nearly depleted by the time he got you on the bed. 

Im getting attached….fuck. 

He frowned, hearing you mutter something in your sleep and he quickly left the room before he grew too curious and wanted to stay.

Going to see screws is better…get this out of my system before i fuck up. 

He told himself as he shortcutted right into the yellow lizards labs. He knew the way around the lab, easily finding her room. He lazily tapped his knuckles on the doorway causing the yellow lizard to turn her head towards him, her glasses gleaming. 

He had to convince himself that the shade of yellow he was seeing was the shade he suddenly  craved. He ignored how his soul twinged in disagreement.

They didn't talk to each other during their hookups, there was no need to. It was nothing but a hook up. Mindless sex.

Sans knew the true reasons why Alphys would come to him for sex sometimes and it wasn't because she was bored with Undyne or just because they were fighting. 

It was the way he could form his magic. 

Sans gave the royal scientists no warning or time to even get settled before red tendrils snapped from the ground snatching her in her bed causing her to dangle. 

He tried convincing himself that her startled gasps and moans were exactly what he wanted to hear. 

though yours were better.

His magic, formed more tendrils to move across her body ripping her clothes off exposing herself in the air. They gleamed as they moved, hitting sensitive scales and spots that made her soul shriek in pleasure. 

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