Ring ring

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b e e e p 

"Hey tori. it's me again…This is like voicemail 7.

We're still alive and in snowdin. Working at Grillby's bar has been pretty good. The monsters seemed to like my band's music and Grillby let me bring the kids to work with me. 

He gives them color pages to doodle on while I'm performing. I thought it was cute that he kept them and hung them up on the bar. But I learned that he's been selling the kids' art works. Turns out monsters will pay a lot of gold for a one of a kind piece made by a living human child. He even gives Frisks some of the money, definitely not a whole lot but I didn't feel the need to sit anything since he practically babysits them when I'm performing and well like he said all our meals are free. Don't worry though, I'm making sure the kids are eating veggies too. 

Oh Neo gave me keys to a bigger room. His mom Lorena granted us to stay in one of the suites. So the kids gave their own room now and I have mine. We also have a small living area combined with a small kitchen. It's nice. She still wont let me pay for the room so I've been buying stuff from her shop….She slips in free snacks for the kiddos. 

Sans Brother Papyrus still chases me on sight. But ya know ...I think he's doing it because he finds fun in it now more than to culture us to drag to be executed by King Asgore. 

And sans? Yea the guy is still a dickhead, but at least i can trust him to be a dickhead. Despite him acting like he's not, I know he's been tag teaming with Grillby in watching the kids at the bar. The sudden influx of  the kids in their book bags is getting suspicious. 

He still keeps conversations short between us and I don't mind it but it's strange how he seems to keep his distance acting like a complete jackass one second but the next he has Frisk and Flowey on his lap at the bar coloring with them. 

I found out from him that Papyrus had not snitched us out so someone called Undyne, so i guess that's good. 

Waterfall is closed down something about a big flood so it's going to be longer before I can get frisk to their home. I hope the kids' parents aren't losing their shit too badly ... .i've started teaching the kids..Im shitbat home schooling so i'm doing the basics, reading, comprehension, basic math. they seem to be doing well……" Sigh…" I wish you were with us Tori, I feel utterly lost. 

This place is just so different. I've been in a couple of fights already, nothing too bad. I've learned to handle myself but hiding my face and stuff to be human looking I think is really doxxing me out here. i started to think about just saying fuck it and ditch the glove and face mask but…i dont know if that will make it worst. i wish you could pick up or text me back, i could really use your advice………………..Welp, that's all this week, i'll call again next week…Bye.''

You sighed, staring at the phone before pushing out of your bed. It was five am and you couldn't sleep, you felt so heavy.


You knew it well. You changed into clothes, you were able to buy a few fits. Pulling on a yellow sweater Lorena had stitched up for you and some banter you pulled on your boots and your best hoodie on. Grabbing your phone and keys you quietly walked out of your room and checked on the kids. 

Frisk and Flowey were knocked out clean and you chuckled before carefully closing their bedroom door and heading to the kitchen. Grabbing one of their coloring pages you left a note and headed out of the suite making sure everything was locked before you walked down the hall. 

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