Sans appeared in the diner. He moved to the bar ignoring the excited crowd around him. Plopping at it he didn't need to even raise his head before a bottle of mustard was in front of him.

"Thanks Grills." He muttered, grabbing it and popping the lid off of it with his thumb bringing the spout to his teeth, cracking then open and squirting the yellow spicy liquid down. He sighed feeling his lower cracked right rib reset with a snap and healed up, no doubt leaving another scar crack in it. 

Damn kid has an arm. 

He thought bitterly for a second, he did notice when you had stuck him he didn't take any HP damage. 

he ain't even intended for it to hurt. He just swung outta instinct. 

Sans sipped on the tangy liquid feeling the magic course through his bones, repairing any damage and easing the joint pains he frequently got. The diner buzzed with monsters tonight, a few groups taking booths after one would come to the bar to order rounds of drinks and food. 

"Looks like you had a nice turnout." Sans commented.

This is all new. 

"Yes, I've decided to let some of the small bands that keep begging me to let them play have a contest. Winning band will get 500g and whatever tips are thrown to them. I get practically a full house and pocket change entertainment. Win win." Grillbys voice crackled as he spoke.

Sans noticed how everyone in snowdin seemed to be here, all that could come in without a parent at least, and even some monsters from the waterfall here too. Seems like everyone likes the thought of it, but reality they wanted to see the bands that played like shit, so they had a reason to dust me. 

Sans hummed tapping his phalanges against the bar as he sipped on his drink. 

Seeing how we are still progressing with this new timeline means the kids' new papa aint dead or em. 

He could take that as good news, and seeing how he saw Papyrus running towards the waterfall not even a few hours ago meant you hadn't tried killing him. Which was another plus in his books. 

"Will you be staying for the shows?" Grillby's voice crackled and popped causing sans to glance up at him.

"Nah i don't think i wi-" 

The door went flying open catching his attention as the diner and bar died down in their noises. Turning his head he saw Bianca, Neo, Blooks coming in and right dab in the middle of them You were waltzing in with them. You seemed to be laughing from something they said and Neo playfully punched your shoulder causing you to jerk some before you shoved him away from you a laugh cracking through the silence.

By the time you noticed the other members of your group had as well.

"The fuck yall staring at!" Neo's ears flicked back as he snarled. The bar seemed to pick up in their antics but more aware of the intruder in the bar. 

A human in the bar.


way to stay discreet kid. 

Sans thought letting out a sigh, Watching as you followed the group to a booth all of you clambering inside of it. 

It was strange seeing you beside other monsters, it made you look not completely small as you were beside him.

You were taller than Bianca by a few inches and only was a head and a half shorter than Neo. Blooks didnt count, the fucker could change his size and height to whatever he liked, being a ghost type and all. 

"That's surprising." Grillby remarked. 

"Yea. shocked they got away from Boss." Sans grumbled but he was more focused on the group you were in, seeing how you seemed relaxed meant the kid and flower were somewhere safe. 

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