You moved back up the stairs and headed towards the kitchen and started making breakfast. You thought about Reds advice and you glanced at your hands. 

Toriel had been telling you to try focusing magic in your hands and while you tried you haven't fully got it to work. 

"Like melodies huh?" You muttered as you stared at your hands and started to hum focusing on your hands but with the tune as well. 

Nothing seemed to happen and you were going to stop until your left hand, the bones started to tingle, catching your attention once again. A faint yellow glow softly hovered on top of the bones. 

Holy shit. 

You felt excitement and softly hummed more watching the glow brighten in color. The magic started to crackle on top of your boney hand, snapping and popping, you could smell static in the air from it. You brought your more human hand towards it, let out a slight yelp as you felt a jolt move up your right arm like as if you stuck a fork into an electric outlet. With a shaky breath you stopped your humming and watched the magic slowly start to fade away. You felt excitement as you went back to making everyone's breakfast. You felt like today's training session would turn out differently, more so like you wouldn't have your ass completely handed to you right away at least. You will have to thank Red for his advice the next time you head to the door to chat with him.

By the time you were setting the table Frisk and Flowey were walking in with Toriel.

"Oh..y/n i thought it was my turn to cook?" Toriel's voice chimed in the room as you looked up towards her.

"I woke up earlier than normal so I thought I'd give ya a hand." You smiled more behind your mask before helping Frisk up to the table and sat down pulling your mask down to enjoy the meal.

"What's this?" Frisk asks, dipping their spoon into their bowl of fruity oatmeal. 

"Oats and fruit. You'll like it." You told them watching as they stuck the spoon into their mouth before humming.

"Oh! I know what can make this even better!" Toriel spoke before going into her kitchen returning with a small jar, popping open the lid she pulled a honeycomb out and drizzled honey over everyones oats.

Your smile pulled more as you swirled your oats fruit and now added honey around before bringing the spoon to your mouth.

such a strange feeling.

You thought pleasantly as your food seemed to dissolve into a liquid on your tongue melting on your tastebuds. 

"Your right tori, this is even better." You hummed missing at how flustered the goat woman had gotten at the comment. 


  Today's training played out a lot differently. You had grown used to Toriel's attacks and have learned how to dodged the fire balls of flames this time you were humming as you moved along. Focusing on Toriel's attacks as you weaved through them, You noticed her brow raising before you brought up your left hand, which glowed with magic. It was practically sizzling off your hands, You pitched a higher hum and you watched as your magic boomed into electricity sparks leaping from your hand like lightning charging forwards. 

Toriel had to move, swiping away from the charge and you panicked as the charge embedded deeply into the old dying tree in her yard, stripping away bark and exposing the tree's inner wood.

Oh fuck…that could've  really hurt her.

"Shit…Tori im so sor-"

"That was excellent y/n!" You paused at the excitement in Tori's voice "Though…Not very controlled but! The strength behind it! You have been listening and practicing outside of our training!" 

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