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Frisk felt time stop, tears falling from their eyes as they watched you die on the tv screen.

"THAT DIRTY FUCKER!" Papyrus roared getting up from the couch. Smoke left his skull as his eyelights started glowing a bright red orange. 

"Frisk?" Flowey whimpered.

They started breathing hard and immediately pulsed determination into their one third soul forcing their abilities up. Forcing the world around them to pause, stopping in time.


appeared above them, tears falling down their face.

"Wait F-Frisk! we don't know if this will even work on y/n! Hes new completely to this timeline!" A soft fuzzy paw grabbed their hand.

"WHO CARES! OUR DAD JUST FUCKING DIED ASRIEL! WE HAVE TO TRY TO BRING HIM BACK. " Chara shouted, appearing on the other side of Frisk. 

Frisk couldn't help but sob into their hands.

"But what if it doesn't work?" They sputtered, feeling their chest grow heavy and heavy. 

Chara's face softened and moved to place a hand on their shoulder.

"Then we keep resetting until he comes back okay! he has to come back!" Chara said, comforting.

"But what about sans?" Asriel spoke up slightly fearfully.

"You think the smiley trash bag is going to be pissed at us after what happened? After Our- Frisk's Dad presented his soul to him?!" Chara said, throwing their hands up.

Frisk held their chest falling to their knees sobbing, pulling the other two spirit children's attention.

"Frisk!" Asriel gasped before moving down to hug them.

"Why?...Why did Metaton do that? Papa won fair and square…why?...WHY DID HE TAKE AWAY THE ONE PERSON WHO CARED FOR ME?!" Frisk screamed into the void, tears dripping down their faces. The other two spirit kids flinched.

Chara bent down holding their shoulder, their red eyes darkening Holding Out their hand a red knife glowed. 

"We can get our revenge." They said

Frisk stared at the glowing red knife  moment before shaking their head hiding their face.

"I don't want to hurt anyone...What if he doesn't come back? What if this is it?" Frisk weep.

"He has to come back, he promised to take care of you until he finds your family. He promised!" Asriel tried comforting them.

Frisk only laughed.

"Family? What family?! I have no family! not anymore…The one person who was like family is dead and i don't even know if my powers will bring him back!" Frisk shouted. 

"hey! don't give up frisk! We have to stay determined.." Chara said softly before placing a hand over the load option.

"Lets try a load and if it doesn't work, we reset until he appears." 

"....Y-Yea, Charas right! We can't give up. we have to try, right?" Asriel said encouraging their friend before holding his paw over the load.

Frisk looked up at them before wiping their tears before nodding, placing a hand over the load. They can feel their severed soul shared between their two friends' pulse as if it was one soul again and they stared at the load.

The chances of saving your soul filled them all with Determination 

You gasped in pain, the familiarity of darkness surrounded you, a welcomed sight. You want to move but feel a sharp pain constrict around you causing you to scream into nothingness. Your hands flying to your chest as you choked tasting copper on your tongue and teeth. It took everything to move your hand, forcing your soul out of your chest. It was agony. 

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