EP1 - Season 1 (The Grotesque Surprise)

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In a distant land, shrouded in mystery, within the tallest clock tower of Daybreak Town, a black-coated figure emerged inside, his face concealed in the shadows of his coat. He carried a four-meter large green cloak that he was barely able to fit inside with some use of magic, concealing a mysterious content within its folds. As he moved, agonizing muffled noises emanated from underneath the cloak, hinting at the presence of something or someone inside.

The core of the Unions, Daybreak Town, seemed alive with an eerie energy, and the figure's footsteps reverberated through the empty halls. As he ascended to the top floor of the tower, he entered a vast room filled with various tables and laboratory equipment. The laboratory was illuminated by the soft glow of magical crystals, casting flickering shadows across the walls, in addition to the sunlight phasing through the stained windows. He carefully placed the concealed content against a nearby wall, as a sense of anticipation filled the air, as if the strange figure was preparing for a significant event his students were unaware of.

The hooded figure seemed to be preparing something, his intentions shrouded in curiosity. This individual had plans beyond the knowledge of the Foretellers, intending to surprise them during their next meeting.

As the tower's gears continued to turn, the hooded figure waited patiently, knowing that the time would come when the Foretellers would return. The Master had intended for the Foretellers to be away, providing the perfect opportunity for him to set his surprise in motion. He had always been one step ahead of his students, manipulating events and weaving a web of intricate schemes to suit his grand design.

However, the presence of the dying beings concealed within the green cloak intrigued the Master They were unexpected, anomalies that were not meant to exist. And yet, here they were, dying before him in the middle of the mountains, the peak where he usually spent his time looking at the view. It was a twist he hadn't anticipated, and the unexpected nature of the situation piqued his interest even further.

Despite his curiosity, the Master refrained from unwrapping the green cloak. He relished the element of surprise and the mysteries that lay hidden within as sounds of twisted flesh and agonizing moans grew and then fell silent. Each part of the thick green cloak looked as if many jagged, sharp objects were trying to break out. It was a miracle that the thick green cloak had not been torn apart yet, one he planned to reveal at the perfect moment.

As he stood, the mastermind contemplated his next moves. The dying beings were a wild card in his carefully orchestrated plan. With a wry smile hidden beneath his hood, the Master continued to prepare for the upcoming events, his mind buzzing with anticipation and intrigue. He had stumbled upon something entirely new and unforeseen. Two beings lay under the large green cloak, their bodies grotesquely covered in sharp crystals from everywhere, from within and out all at once, in addition to being cursed by darkness, a fatal wound in their back by a Keyblade. Yet, to the Master's surprise, they were still alive. It intrigued him even further. Normally, both of them should have either perished or been snuffed out of existence by the curse, or their form would have dissolved, leaving only their dying heart behind, but none of that had occurred, even after 30 minutes! It seemed that in their agonizing confusion, there was a bit of something else; they were extraordinary, defying the odds.

MoM: Ah, what the heck. (The Master of Masters chuckled to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of amusement and curiosity) They're not supposed to exist, but who am I to let that stop me?

With a sly grin on his face, he decided to put aside his decision about the two entities for now. His mischievous nature got the better of him as he envisioned the reactions of the Foretellers when they returned to meet him. Traumatizing seasoned Keyblade wielders would be a hilarious spectacle to witness, something he couldn't resist. Their expressions, their reactions—those were the things he found most amusing, even if it meant subjecting them to the horrors that lay beneath the cloak.

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