EP15 - Season 1 (Ephemer Vs. Lunatazen)

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The spectators and even Ephemer were taken aback by the transformation. It was clear that this was not Asukazen; it was something entirely new and unpredictable.

As Lunatazen spoke, the swirling tornado rotation in his green eyes seemed to intensify, giving him an otherworldly and chaotic aura. His laughter reverberated through the arena, a mix of manic amusement and disbelief at his own existence.

Lunatazen: (Laughing uncontrollably) I can't believe this! The two of them, fusing into me! It's just too deliciously absurd!

He leaned back, laughing so hard that he lost his balance. However, the fog seemed to obey his will, catching him in a soft cushion of clouds before he hit the ground.

Blizzard watched the spectacle unfold, sensing the presence of 'The Lunatic' within this new entity, Lunatazen. However, he remained speechless, not knowing about the alter ego and fusion.

[A] Chirithy stared at the mysterious entity that barely resembled Asukazen at all, but couldn't be sure due to the inability to sense Asukazen's presence. It felt a mix of confusion and realization. The entity's behavior was different, not like the cold Asukazen they knew, but there was something familiar about it, something that tugged at [A] Chirithy's instincts.

[A] Chirithy: (Curious and unsure) That being over there... It's... it's acting so differently from Asukazen, but at the same time, there's something about it that reminds me of him. I can't sense his presence, so I'm not sure... Could it really be Asukazen?

[B] Chirithy: I don't know... This is all so strange and unsettling.

[A] Chirithy: But if it's not Asukazen, then where is he? And why can't we sense his presence? Could he have been consumed by the darkness?

Blizzard: I don't think so. There's something different about this entity. It's neither light nor darkness; it's unique. Asukazen might be connected to it in some way, but I don't believe he's been consumed by darkness. We can't interfere in Ephemer's fight, this is a tournament, after all.

The Dream Eater's panic subsided slightly when it looked at its own two paws and realized that it was still present. This meant that Asukazen must still be alive somewhere, but where exactly, they didn't know.

The Foretellers observed the spectacle with shock and curiosity, each having their own reactions to the mysterious entity known as Lunatazen. Ira felt the need to intervene, concerned for the safety of his Union's members.

Foreteller Gula: This green smoke, it must be coming from that being down there. I've never seen anything like this before.

Foreteller Ira:  We can't just stand by and watch.

Foreteller Gula: Hold on, Ira. Let's observe a little longer. This entity seems to be from the Unicornis Union, judging by its uniform, and he's fighting against Ephemer. We should see how this plays out before making any rash decisions.

Foreteller Aced: (Grimacing) Looks like another abomination to me! We should take it down before it causes more trouble and disrupts the tournament.

Foreteller Gula: Ira, why don't you ask the announcer who's fighting down there? Perhaps she has some insight into this bizarre turn of events.

Foreteller Ira nodded and approached the announcer, who was struggling to maintain her balance amidst the thick green smoke. He caught her before she fell and steadied her.

Foreteller Ira: Are you alright? Can you see anything from up here? Do you have any idea who that entity is?

Announcer: Uh...! Thank you! It was originally Asukazen fighting against Ephemer, but I don't know where Asukazen went. He's nowhere to be seen, and this new being has taken his place.

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