EP8 - Season 2 (Insidious Whispers)

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Vergil: An interesting mixture indeed. But tell me, can your skill match the weight of your claims?

Blizzard's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his gaze locked on Asukazen's defiant figure. He turned to Skuld with a tight tone.

Blizzard: There's nothing we can do. (he stated flatly) He's made up his mind. I know him well enough to understand that.

Dante, observing the exchange, couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation.

Dante: Hey, weren't we... supposed to be having a little life-or-death duel a minute ago?  (he quipped, directing his words towards Vergil)

Vergil: I am no longer interested in our petty squabble. (he stated dismissively) This child, however... (he has piqued my curiosity)

Dante bristled at the dismissive tone, a flicker of wounded pride flashing across his face. Vergil would rather face a child than his own brother? The thought stung, fueling a surge of protectiveness towards Asukazen. He stepped forward, intending to intervene, but Asukazen's glare stopped him in his tracks.

Dante: Aren't you the intimidating one? (Dante said in a teasing tone, trying to mask his unease) Guess I'll just have to sit back and enjoy the show then.

In that next moment, Dante felt a terrifying certainty. He heard Asukazen's threat repeating in his mind, a promise of violence so profound it transcended spoken words. If he dared to interfere, he would not only meet his demise, but his soul would be ripped from his lifeless body, subjected to torment beyond comprehension.

And his brother, Vergil, would suffer the same fate. This was not an idle threat, this was a promise etched in blood and fury. The kid meant business, and even the seasoned demon hunter found himself trembling in fear.

Dante: Damn... this kid... he's something else. Those eyes... they remind me of my old man. Back when Vergil and I were just brats, and Mom was still... around. When Dad would lose his temper, his eyes would turn like that... like a storm brewing, filled with a kind of hatred that chilled you to the bone. Fitting for a demon hiding in human skin, I guess. I've never been one to back down from a fight, but this... this is different. This kid... he scares the hell out of me.

Asukazen let out a yell as he lunged towards Vergil. His movements were wild, fueled by raw anger rather than calculated strategy. Vergil effortlessly deflected each desperate strike. Yamato, a blur of polished steel, met Asukazen's iron swords with a series of sharp, ringing parries. The cavern trembled with the clang of metal on metal.

He countered with a swift slash, aiming for Asukazen's exposed flank. The young man barely managed to twist away, the tip of Yamato grazing his side, leaving a searing line of pain. Undeterred, Asukazen spun, his swords flashing in a desperate attempt to find an opening in Vergil's defenses. Another parry, another near miss. Vergil's blade seemed to anticipate his every move, deflecting his attacks with an almost bored ease.

His left arm extended his iron sword aimed at Vergil's throat. Vergil sidestepped the attack, his counter swift and merciless. Yamato sliced through the air, connecting with Asukazen's left forearm with a sickening thud followed by a scream of pain.

Vergil noticed a discrepancy. Asukazen's movements, though powerful, yet lacked the finesse and precision. It was as if he were holding back, as if these iron swords were mere substitutes. Vergil recalled their first confrontation atop the tower, the strange key-shaped blades wielded by the three children. He had dismissed them as mere curiosities at the time, but now, seeing Asukazen struggle with these inferior weapons, a suspicion began to form in his mind.

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