EP5 - Season 1 (In Many Guises)

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As the morning sunlight filtered through the window, Blizzard and Asukazen woke up, their minds surprisingly clear of the previous day's burdens. They exchanged glances, both sensing an inexplicable shift within themselves. Faint smiles, rare occurrences for them in this new reality, unconsciously formed on their faces.

Asukazen noticed the smile on his own face and quickly concealed it, trying to maintain his composure, though the lingering feeling of contentment persisted.

Blizzard, too, felt a sense of calm, but he couldn't pinpoint the reason behind it. The two Chirithy, seated near the window, observed them silently, their eyes fixed on Blizzard and Asukazen. They seemed to possess knowledge that the two boys lacked, yet they offered no explanations.

Blizzard rubbed his eyes and yawned, feeling surprisingly refreshed. He turned to the Chirithies, a quizzical expression on his face.

Blizzard: Did you both do something to us last night?

The Chirithy of Blizzard, a playful glint in its eyes, simply tilted its large rounded head in response, remaining silent and deepening the mystery surrounding their newfound sense of peace.

Asukazen frowned, a mix of curiosity and annoyance brewing within him. He fixed his gaze on the Chirithies, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Asukazen: Why are you both staring at us like that? What's going on?

[A] Chirithy: We're not sure. We were with you both through the night, but we did not intervene or do anything to cause this change in your demeanor.

[B] Chirithy: We simply observed and stayed by your side, as is our purpose.

Asukazen and Blizzard exchanged another glance, the feeling of bliss and comfort still lingering within them. They could not explain why they felt this way, but they sensed that it had something to do with the Chirithies' presence.

He decided not to question it further. He didn't want to reveal too much of his emotions or thoughts to the Chirithy, so he simply nodded and replied with a calm but distant voice.

Asukazen: If you did not do anything, then I suppose it's just a strange coincidence. Let's not dwell on it.

Blizzard, feeling more open to the companionship of his Chirithy, smiled faintly.

Blizzard: Yeah, maybe it's just one of those unexplainable things. Either way, I'm feeling better now.

While the both of them pondered the strange change in their emotions, the two Chirithy, sitting on the window ledge, exchanged a knowing glance. Their drawn eyes glistened with satisfaction.

Glancing at each other, as if they had communicated silently, sharing a connection unique to Dream Eaters. The exchange was quick, and they returned their attention to Blizzard and Asukazen, who were still trying to comprehend the unexplained feelings of gratitude that had washed over them.

Asukazen pushed aside the strange feeling and focused on improving his body. He suddenly got on the floor and gestured for Blizzard to join him. As they assumed the push-up position, Asukazen placed his left arm behind his back, using only his right arm. It was evident that he wanted to strengthen and improve his physical abilities.

Blizzard followed Asukazen's lead, and the two began their push-up exercises, their faces contorted with effort as they pushed their bodies to the limit.

The Dream Eaters watched, communicating silently through glances and gestures, unsure of why their humans were suddenly so focused on physical improvement. To the Chirithies, who were unaware of Blizzard and Asukazen's origins, the behavior seemed puzzling and concerning.

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