EP6 - Season 1 (Allegiance)

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Asukazen: It's definitely the way! (Asukazen's stated with uncharacteristic force) The strongest-looking leader, that's the one for me. It's the only logical choice!

[A] Chirithy tilted its head, an almost comical display of confusion. Asukazen is usually calm, hesitant, and reserved, this was anything but impulsive. Yet here he was, declaring allegiance based on appearances.

Accustomed to Asukazen's true nature, Blizzard remained there. The sudden shift from silence to reckless mirrored the unsettling transformation into 'The Lunatic,' a side of Asukazen that instilled fear in everyone else.

[A] Chirithy: Did you see that? Such uncharacteristic behavior!

[B] Chirithy: Indeed. This is quite unlike him.

As if realizing the impropriety of his outburst, Asukazen quickly regained his composure. 

Asukazen: Apologies. (he muttered as  a flicker of embarrassment crossed his face) I... I Got carried away.

Echo: No need to apologize, Asukazen. Passion is a rare gift.

Her words brought a wave of relief to Asukazen. He appreciated her understanding, knowing he needed to control his emotions, especially in front of the others. But sometimes, the dam of repressed feelings threatened to burst.

Blizzard: Gathering information about all of the Unions before deciding seems prudent. (his tone was even, attempting to steer them from impulsive action)

Drawing a steadying breath, Asukazen conceded.

Asukazen: You're right. We need a comprehensive understanding before making any decision.

[A] Chirithy: Asukazen, are you certain about this? Such a weighty decision requires careful consideration. We should take our time.

Asukazen remained silent, wrestling with his conflicting desires. He acknowledged the Dream Eater's apprehension but couldn't shake the unshakeable feeling that he was, for once, making the right choice.

The Dream Eaters exchanged bewildered glances. Observing the exchange with a hint of amusement. [B] Chirithy took a step foward.

[B] Chirithy: Don't fret. Humans are known for their unpredictability. Perhaps a spark of inspiration struck him.

[A] Chirithy nodded. Trusting its wielder was paramount, even when his actions seemed out of character.

Upon their return to the town, Echo meticulously counted their meager earnings of twenty Lux. 

Echo: We must improve. (she stated with an undercurrent of urgency) This is merely a starting point.

She turned and walked away, leaving Asukazen and Blizzard standing alone in the town's outskirts. Night had descended, the warm glow of lamplight painting the streets in a mockery of cheerfulness.

Lost in thought, Asukazen struggled to reconcile himself with this new reality. Memories of their lost world haunted him. Despite the impossibility of returning, he found it difficult to embrace his present circumstances.

Blizzard, too, grappled with the events that had unfolded. Recognizing the internal conflict raging within them. For now, both remained adrift, struggling to adapt to this unfamiliar world.

As they navigated the town's labyrinthine streets, they passed numerous children their age, each accompanied by a Chirithy. The sight filled Blizzard with a bittersweet ache.

[A] Chirithy noticed Asukazen's reluctance to engage with the other children, yet detected no hostility. Asukazen's demenor remained unknown, a complex tapestry of emotions he couldn't decipher.

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