EP5 - Season 2 (Gaslighting the Guide)

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Asukazen continued his ascent, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence of the tower. As he reached the top of the gigantic staircase, he found himself standing on a circular floor, the moon casting an otherworldly glow through the open space of Temen-ni-gru.

There, at the edge of the floor, a figure stood with his back turned to Asukazen. The figure had white hair, similar to Dante, and wore a blue coat that billowed in the gentle breeze. Asukazen couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity, as if he had encountered this person before in another life.

The figure seemed to be meditating or deep in thought, the tip of his katana resting on the floor as he held it with both hands. Asukazen gazed at the sky, searching for the Keyhole he was supposed to find. To his surprise, it was nowhere to be seen. He had defeated numerous Heartless, so why was it not enough? Were the countless demons he had slaughtered also insufficient?

Just as confusion started to cloud his mind, the blue-coated figure spoke, his voice cold, calm, and focused, with no trace of facade. Asukazen could sense the authenticity in his demeanor. The figure slightly turned his head to glance behind him, and Asukazen still couldn't see his face.

Vergil: I had expected my brother Dante to show up here instead. (the figure spoke in a deep, velvety voice) But instead, I am met with a mere child, the same individual whose presence I sensed below this tower. Countless life forces eliminated by that same force.

Asukazen felt a chill run down his spine, his heart racing in his chest. He had no idea who this person was, but the way he spoke with such authority and familiarity was deeply unsettling.

Asukazen: Who are you? (Asukazen asked cautiously, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to keep his composure in the face of this uncanny figure)

The figure didn't turn fully to face Asukazen, maintaining his enigmatic posture as he replied cryptically.

Vergil: My name is of no consequence. (he replied, his voice as smooth as silk and as sharp as a razor's edge) I have my ways of sensing power, of feeling the ebb and flow of energy in the world around me.

Asukazen took a step forward, his curiosity getting the better of him despite the sense of unease that gnawed at his gut.

Asukazen: I came here to find the Keyhole. (he cautiously stated, his eyes never leaving the figure's back as he spoke)

Vergil raised an eyebrow, still studying Asukazen with a hint of curiosity, as if he were a particularly interesting specimen under a microscope.

Vergil: Keyhole? I have no recollection of such a thing. (he replied calmly, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement at Asukazen's question)

Asukazen's frustration grew, but he didn't back down, his voice growing stronger as he pressed on.

Asukazen: Then what about the invasion of the demons in the city? This tower? Are you and possibly others responsible for it? (he questioned, his eyes locked on Vergil's back as he awaited a response)

Vergil paused for a moment, as if contemplating his response, before speaking in a voice that was as cold as the winter wind.

Vergil: I am somewhat related to these events. (he admitted cryptically, his words hanging in the air like a threat)

Asukazen stood there, absorbing the information, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of it all.

Asukazen: If you were responsible for all of that. (Asukazen paused to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his chest) Then you must take responsibility for the destruction caused.

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