EP3 - Season 3 (To Keep Moving)

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Continuing his descent, Asukazen spotted another tripwire, this one connected to a swinging log, its rough bark studded with rusty nails.

Asukazen: (In his mind) Another one?

He reacted instinctively, leaping back just as the log swung down, its trajectory aimed directly at his head. He ducked, his heart pounding against his ribs, the log grazing his shoulder, leaving a searing pain in its wake.

Further down the path, he noticed a pressure plate concealed beneath a thin layer of dirt, its edges barely discernible. He had learned his lesson. He wasn't falling for that again. He sidestepped it cautiously, his eyes scanning the surrounding trees, the undergrowth, searching for any sign of the trap's trigger mechanism.

A moment later, a series of arrows erupted from the ground, their shafts whistling through the air, narrowly missing his chest as he leaped to the side, his reflexes pushing him to his limits. Adrenaline surged through him, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He was getting better at this, his instincts sharpening, his body adapting to the constant threat of sudden attacks.

After two grueling hours, he reached the outskirts of the nearby town, a cluster of wooden buildings nestled in a valley, smoke curling lazily from their chimneys. He had navigated the treacherous mountain path, he had survived Jigoro Kuwajima's insane obstacle course, but he had not emerged unscathed. His body bore the marks of his struggles – bruises, scrapes, aching muscles, the throbbing pain in his shoulder.

He took a step forward, intending to find a place to rest, to catch his breath, to wipe the sweat that stung his eyes. As his foot landed on a seemingly innocuous patch of ground, he heard a series of clicks and whirs behind him, the telltale sounds of mechanisms springing to life. He whirled around, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watched the traps he had so painstakingly bypassed reactivating one by one in a domino effect.

Asukazen: That crazy old man...

Frustration, exhaustion, and a burning anger towards the retired Hashira who had subjected him to this insane ordeal threatened to overwhelm him. For a fleeting moment, he considered turning back, confronting Jigoro, demanding an explanation for this insanity. But the thought of facing those traps again, of enduring another round of that agonizing obstacle course, made his body ache in protest.

With a sigh of resignation, he lowered himself to the ground, wincing as his injured shoulder throbbed.

Strange Chirithy: Congratulations! You managed to survive your teacher's attempts to murder you.

Turning his head, his gaze shifted on the Dream Eater perched on a nearby wall.

Asukazen: I didn't ask for your commentary.

Strange Chirithy: But watching you struggle, seeing you fail... It's simply too entertaining to pass up.

Asukazen: I have no desire to return to that mountain. But it seems I have no choice, if I want to learn more about this Breathing technique.

Strange Chirithy: Don't fret. I'm sure your journey back up the mountain will be just as entertaining as your descent.

Reaching into his pockets, his fingers brushed against the small purse Rengoku had given him before sending him off on this perilous undertaking. He opened it, counting the coins within. It wasn't much, but it would be enough to purchase a few necessities. The thought of food, of water, of something to ease the gnawing hunger in his stomach, was a welcome distraction from his deadly predicament.

Strange Chirithy: Why bother with those paltry coins? Just use your Keyblade. Take what you want.

Asukazen: I don't need to resort to such methods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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