EP10 - Season 1 (Artificial Restriction)

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Asukazen lay sprawled on his bed, the aftermath of the ordeal leaving his body incapacitated, a heavy air of tension hanging in the room. His Chirithy, evidently exasperated by his stubbornness, took an assertive stance. It hopped onto the bed, boldly positioning itself on Asukazen's chest, directly in front of his face.

Asukazen: (Slightly flustered) What... What do you think you're doing?!

The close proximity of the Dream Eater, usually a comforting presence, now felt almost invasive to Asukazen, stirring a mix of discomfort and vulnerability within him.

Chirithy, undeterred by his discomfort, pressed its soft paws against his face, compelling Asukazen to meet its gaze. Trapped beneath the creature, Asukazen's attempt to turn his head away was futile, his embarrassment mounting.

Asukazen: (Blushing slightly) Ge-Get off my face!

The Chirithy, with a tone that mixed frustration with care, continued to hold its ground.

[A] Chirithy: You can deny it all you want, but deep down, you care. You wouldn't have acted as you did if you didn't. It's okay to rely on others, you know. You don't have to bear everything alone.

Asukazen: (Harshly) I don't need your concern. It was my fight, not yours.

Chirithy: (Firmly) It's not just about you. When you are in danger, it affects more than just yourself. You're part of the Unicornis Union, under Foreteller Ira. Your actions have consequences.

Asukazen's expression hardened at the mention of the Unicornis Union and Foreteller Ira. He felt a sense of obligation towards them, but it was overshadowed by his internal struggle. The thought of being part of something larger than himself was a concept he grappled with, given his past.

Asukazen: (Coldly) My obligations to my Union are my own. I don't need you to remind me.

Asukazen's expression hardened at the mention of the Unicornis Union and Foreteller Ira. He felt a sense of obligation towards them, but it was overshadowed by his inner struggle. The thought of being part of something larger than himself was a concept he grappled with, given his past.

The Chirithy sighed, its ears drooping slightly.

[A] Chirithy: You almost died out there. You're not invincible, no matter how much you want to believe it.

Asukazen's response was a scoff, a sound devoid of any humor.

Asukazen: Invincible? What are you talking about? I'm well aware of my limitations. That's why I don't need anyone pitying me or thinking I need saving.

The Dream Eater, sensing the hostility in his wielder's tone, gently teased him in a attempt to switch subject.

[A] Chirithy: I can feel your heart racing, and it's not just fear or anxiety, is it?

Asukazen's humiliation deepened. The walls he had so meticulously built around his emotions were starting to crack under the persistent gaze of the Dream Eater. It was an unbearable realization for him, feeling more vulnerable to the Chirithy's insight than to the physical dominance of the towering pale figure.

Asukazen: (Irritably) Get off!

The Chirithy sighed deeply and hopped off the bed. Asukazen's gaze followed the creature, his thoughts a tumultuous storm. He wrestled with the reality of his situation, his desire for isolation clashing with an unspoken longing for connection. His thoughts drifted to his companion, Blizzard, the stark reminder of his past failures.

He pondered over their bizarre reality, questioning the nature of their existence. Was it real, or were they merely lingering in some form of purgatory? Was that pale figure some kind of judge to inflict the pain that he had inflicted back in his life? The thought was both haunting and strangely comforting.

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