EP4 - Season 1 (Our Weakness)

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Blizzard and Asukazen stood there as Echo summoned her Keyblade, the radiant blade glowing brightly in her grasp. She pointed the tip towards the sky, and with a swift motion, launched a brilliant beam of light into the air. The light burst forth, and in an instant, the surroundings began to blur, and the next moment, the three of them found themselves standing in an unfamiliar forest.

Echo lowered her Keyblade and turned to face them, her voice steady and composed.

Echo: Welcome to a different world. This place is under the constant threat of Heartless, and my task as a member of the Unions is to collect Lux-light particles gained by defeating Heartless. It's a crucial part of our duties, and it helps maintain the balance in these worlds.

Echo: This is a different world, one that is constantly threatened by the presence of Heartless. As a member of the Unions, my task is to collect Lux-light particles that are gained by defeating these creatures.

Blizzard and Asukazen exchanged puzzled glances.

Asukazen: (speaking hesitantly, his voice still weak from the recent events) Lux? We've never heard of... such a thing.

Blizzard: The Heartless we fought never dropped anything like that.

Echo seemed surprised by their response, her eyebrows raising slightly behind her closed eyelids.

Echo: (speaking thoughtfully, her voice tinged with understanding) Really? Well, I suppose it's possible that you might have suffered some memory loss due to the event that Ava mentioned. But don't worry, I'll guide you on this mission. As instructed by Ava, we need to prove our worth as Keyblade wielders.

Asukazen remained silent, still feeling frustrated by the situation they were in. However, with the mission at hand. He looked at Echo and nodded, acknowledging her leadership with resignation.

Asukazen and Blizzard found themselves in the eerie silence of the locked world, surrounded by dense trees and an unsettling stillness. As they moved forward, they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the presence of the two voices in the back of their minds growing more pronounced.

Echo: This world is quite unique. It's essentially a vast forest, with only wild animals, rivers, and a small mountain to be found. There are no intelligent living beings here, making it a perfect spot for newcomers to gather. Despite the presence of Heartless, this world is considered the least dangerous of them all. It's an ideal place for you both to regain your strength and practice your skills without facing overwhelming threats.

Asukazen and Blizzard exchanged glances, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. The idea of a less dangerous world was comforting, but the eerie stillness and the feeling of being watched still lingered in their minds.

Turning around, Asukazen scanned the area, his eyes darting from tree to tree.

Asukazen: Did you hear that? (he asked Blizzard, unease evident in his hushed tone.

Blizzard frowned, trying to focus his senses on anything out of the ordinary.

Blizzard: I didn't hear anything, but I feel it too. It's like we're being followed by something we can't see.

Just then, Echo noticed their hesitation and turned to face them.

Echo: (asking worriedly, her brow furrowed) What's wrong? Is something bothering you?

Asukazen hesitated for a moment before deciding to share his thoughts, his voice filled with a mix of apprehension and frustration.

Asukazen: We've been feeling like we're being watched by some unseen presences for more than a week now.

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