EP2 - Season 2 (Party Crasher)

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The man appeared unamused by the creatures' presence as he glanced back at them. He was bare-chested, wearing only tan-colored jeans, black fingerless gloves, and military-style boots. Over his shoulder, he carried a long red coat with a zipper, and in his other hand, he wielded a unique-looking sword with a handle shaped like a black skull.

Unfazed by the creatures, he walked down the stairs of the entrance, turning his attention to the building. With a carefree tone, he exclaimed

???: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop, and I haven't even opened it yet! Do you have any idea how much time and effort I put into setting this place up?

Blizzard cleared his throat, trying to get the man's attention.

Blizzard: Uh, excuse me, sir? We ca-

Before Blizzard could finish his sentence, the man glanced at him, looking somewhat uninterested. He then glanced around the area and called out.

???: Hey, does anyone know who this kid's mom is? It's way past bedtime! Come pick him up before he gets hurt playing with the big boys!

Asukazen and Skuld exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to react to the man's casual and lighthearted response. The situation was serious, and yet this man seemed to treat it like a joke, as if he had no concern for the danger that surrounded them.

He shifted his focus back to the six tall creatures, who were still hesitating, seemingly taken aback by his nonchalant attitude.

???: Well, since you guys aren't going anywhere... (He said nonchalantly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.)

However, Asukazen noticed something peculiar - the man didn't appear to be a Keyblade Wielder. Despite the apparent danger posed by the six creatures, he remained relaxed and fearless, as if he had faced far worse in his life. This observation raised even more questions about the situation they found themselves in and the true nature of this man.

The creatures, on the other hand, continued to hesitate, seemingly taken aback by the man's response. They shifted uneasily, their glowing red eyes darting between the man and the trio, as if trying to assess the threat level of each.

The man's carefree attitude was like nothing they had ever encountered before. But there was something intriguing about his demeanor - he exuded confidence, as if he knew exactly what he was doing and had no fear of the consequences.

Turning his attention back to the creatures. He pulled on the red coat he had been carrying on his shoulder and expressed annoyance at the creatures, with a sudden change in demeanor, he pointed his sword at them.

???: Do you have any idea how long it took me to set this place up? I'm gonna need a refund, big time! And since you guys don't seem to be the negotiating type, I guess I'll just have to take it out of your hides!

They seemed to respond to his provocation, their glowing red eyes showing signs of aggression. They shifted into combat stances, their scythes gleaming menacingly. However, the man didn't seem intimidated. Instead, he smirked and readied his sword, taking a combat stance of his own.

???: Since you guys don't seem to be in a mood for refunds, I guess I'll just have to take care of this myself. Let's dance, ugly!

Skuld could only watch in horror as the man effortlessly dispatched the creatures one by one in a display of violence that she was not used to. The man's movements were fluid and graceful, his attacks precise and powerful. It was a display of combat prowess that none of them had ever witnessed before, a level of skill that seemed to defy the very laws of physics.

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