EP14 - Season 1 (Tournament of Deception - Part 3)

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Ira stared at the Master of Masters, his eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. The sudden appearance of the Book of Prophecies had caught him completely off guard, and the timing of its revelation only added to his growing sense of unease.

Ira: The Book of Prophecies? But Master, why now?

The Master of Masters chuckled, his arms folded behind his back as he turned to admire the sprawling view before them. His posture was relaxed, almost nonchalant, as if he found great amusement in Ira's bewilderment.

MoM: Well, you know me, always full of surprises! I thought it was about time you all had your own copies. The future is a tricky thing, you know? And with all these Keyblade Wielders gathering for the tournament, I figured you might need a little help in keeping track of things.

Ira stared at the Master, his mind reeling as he tried to process the implications of his words. His voice trembled with a mixture of astonishment and frustration as he finally managed to utter his next question.

Ira: You mean... the entire tournament was just a distraction?

The Master of Masters nodded playfully, his tone still light and carefree despite the gravity of the situation. He turned to face Ira, his enigmatic smile never wavering.

MoM: Yep! A little game to keep things interesting. Life can get a bit dull without some surprises thrown into the mix, don't you think?

Ira was at a loss for words. The tournament that had consumed so much of their attention and focus, the battles and victories they had witnessed - it had all been orchestrated by the Master of Masters as a mere diversion for his own machinations. The Foreteller took a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil of emotions swirling inside him. He gazed at the Master of Masters, who had turned back to the world view, his eyes glinting with a playful light.

Ira: Yes, Master, I have been diligently studying the Book of Prophecy. But there's so much to process, and I prefer to be thorough in my analysis. The implications of what is written within its pages are... unsettling, to say the least.

MoM: Thorough, huh? Sounds like you're taking this prophecy business very seriously. But remember, Ira, prophecies can be tricky things. They can lead you on wild goose chases or open your eyes to unexpected truths. Don't get too caught up in the details, or you might miss the bigger picture.

Ira: I understand, Master. But the last passage in the book... it speaks of a great Keyblade War, a conflict that will plunge the world into darkness. Is that true? Is such a devastating event really fated to occur?

The Master watched Ira, clearly amused by the Foreteller's reaction. He waved his hand dismissively, as if brushing aside the weight of Ira's concerns.

MoM: Oh, come now, Ira! You've got that serious expression again. Lighten up a bit! Life's too short to be so serious all the time. You'll give yourself wrinkles if you keep frowning like that.

Ira: Master, it's just... It's hard to process everything. The Book of Prophecy, the Keyblade War, and now this tournament being nothing more than a game to you. It's a lot to take in, and the implications are... troubling, to say the least.

The Master of Masters chuckled, his tone light-hearted even as he placed a comforting hand on Ira's shoulder.

MoM: I know, Ira, I know. But you'll get used to it. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and it's up to us to make the most of them. Don't let the weight of the future crush your spirit. Embrace the uncertainty, and let it guide you to new possibilities.

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