EP11 - Season 1 (Creation's Magic)

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Asukazen continued his training, honing his skills with elemental magic and combat techniques alongside the other young keyblade wielder children. They watched in awe as he conjured powerful balls of fire and thunder in his hands, displaying a level of mastery beyond his age. Asukazen's green aura intensified with each spell, giving him an air of maturity that didn't go unnoticed.

One of the children, a curious boy, couldn't help but ask.

Young Wielder 13: Hey, Asukazen, I've been wondering... Why don't you use your Keyblade like the rest of us?

Asukazen hesitated for a moment, his expression growing tense. He took a deep breath before responding, choosing his words carefully.

Asukazen: I... I'm dealing with a rare condition. (he replied, his tone calm yet strained.) Using the Keyblade would only aggravate my symptoms.

Young Wielder 7: A rare condition? That sounds serious. I hope you'll be okay.

Young Wielder 13: Yeah, take care of yourself, Asukazen. We're all rooting for you.

Asukazen acknowledged their words with a curt nod, his expression remaining stoic and unreadable. He turned his attention back to his training, focusing on the intricate manipulation of the elemental forces at his fingertips. His green aura intensified with each spell, casting an eerie glow on his surroundings.

Chirithy, however, knew that it was just another one of his stubborn lies. The Dream Eater couldn't help but feel frustrated by Asukazen's refusal to embrace his full potential. But the child's demenor and obstinacy formed an impenetrable barrier.

As the training continued, Asukazen's green aura continued to strengthen, and the other children were in awe of his raw magical talent.

As the training session drew to a close, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and crimson. Shadows lengthened across the training grounds, casting an ominous atmosphere. Asukazen remained focused on his practice, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he unleashed a final barrage of elemental attacks on the battered dummies.

With the last of the targets reduced to smoldering heaps, Asukazen straightened his posture, his chest heaving with exertion. He surveyed the destruction he had wrought, the acrid scent of burnt wood and molten metal filling his nostrils. Without a word, he turned and started walking towards the materials room and the forge room, his footsteps echoing in the eerie stillness of the training grounds.

Inside the materials room, Asukazen began meticulously inspecting the wooden logs, his hands running over their rough surfaces as he assessed their quality and durability. The logs varied in size and shape, some with knots and gnarls that spoke of their age and resilience. Asukazen's fingers traced the grain patterns, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he searched for the perfect specimens to suit his needs.

Finally, Asukazen found a wooden log that satisfied his requirements. It was sturdy and thick, twice his size, and he knew it would be perfect for his plan. He hefted the log onto his shoulder with ease, surprising Chirithy with his strength.

[A] Chirithy's stress grew as it watched Asukazen carry the log towards the forge room.

[A] Chirithy: W-What are you planning to do with that? (the Dream Eater asked, its voice laced with apprehension)

Asukazen glanced at Chirithy briefly, his brow furrowed in mild annoyance at the question. Without uttering a word, he entered the forge room, the heavy wooden log balanced on his left shoulder.

With a swift motion, Asukazen heaved the log onto the round forge, the impact creating a loud thud that echoed throughout the room. The sudden noise drew the attention of the onlookers, their eyes widening in surprise and anticipation.

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