EP1 - Season 2 (Expedition-type World)

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Finally, they arrived at a large, intricately carved door, which Foreteller Ira opened with a wave of his hand. The door swung open, revealing a spacious and elegantly furnished office. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, while a large wooden desk dominated the center of the room.

Asukazen: (In his mind, growling in frustration) What is this request anyway? If it doesn't suit my needs, I will simply stick to the original plan. You better not disappoint, Foreteller. I've had enough of this world.

He gestured for Asukazen to enter, closing the door behind them with a soft click. The room was bathed in a warm, golden light, emanating from the various lamps and candles scattered throughout the space.

Foreteller Ira sat in his private meeting room, deep in thought as he devised his plan. Gaining Asukazen's trust and admiration would be crucial for his scheme to succeed.

Foreteller Ira: (Muttering to himself) Boost his ego, make him feel valued... Yes, that should do it. I need Asukazen to believe that I see him as more than just another Keyblade wielder. Only then will he become my eyes and ears, my unwitting pawn against the other Foretellers.

He thought about the dangerous mission he would present to Asukazen. It was a mission that held the potential for great peril, and Foreteller Ira knew that it would appeal to Asukazen's desire to prove himself.

Foreteller Ira: (Thinking) Yes, yes, that's it. I'll use his desire for admiration and recognition to my advantage. Asukazen is a key figure in this paradoxical reality. He and Blizzard shouldn't even exist in our world, but they are here, and that gives me leverage. If I can make him trust me, make him believe I am his mentor and confidant, he will be more willing to share information with me.

The key to his plan was to keep the young man intrigued and eager for more, to make him feel like a vital piece in a larger puzzle. By doling out bits and pieces of knowledge, just enough to pique Asukazen's interest without revealing the full picture.

Foreteller Ira: (Nodding in his mind) Correct, I will drip-feed him the details, just enough to keep him engaged, but never too much that he questions my intentions.

With a sense of satisfaction, Foreteller Ira finalized his plan. Well aware of the risks, but the potential reward was too great to ignore. Asukazen would become his proxy, his loyal agent, without ever suspecting the true nature of his mission.

Foreteller Ira: Listen carefully, Asukazen. Three new worlds have suddenly appeared among the universe, I want you to explore one of these worlds, unlock its Keyhole, and collect as much Lux as possible. But be cautious. The number of Heartless detected in these worlds is greater than anything we've seen before. The darkness there is exceptionally corruptive.

Asukazen listened intently, trying to discern if the Foreteller's words were genuine or part of some manipulation. He remained open-minded in his tone, even though inside, he was still cautious.

Asukazen: Worlds that are somehow connected to my reality? I find that hard to believe, Foreteller Ira. You want me to explore one of these worlds and unlock its Keyhole, but how can that be possible when everything from my previous reality was destroyed, utterly annihilated by the very events that brought me and Blizzard here?

Foreteller Ira quickly tried to come up with a legitimate explanation, something that could make Asukazen believe the Foreteller's words, something that would align with the Master of Masters' teachings about the theory and the formation of two separate realities.

Asukazen: So, forgive me if I'm a bit hesitant to accep-

Ira interrupted Asukazen, his voice firm and authoritative.

Kingdom Hearts: Echoplex IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon